本公司专业生产各类(全规格型号)优质电缆1.防腐电缆 2.耐火电缆 3.橡套电缆 4.扁平电缆 5.屏蔽电缆 6.电话电缆 7.安防电缆 8.特种电缆 9.信号电缆 10.通信电缆 11.控制电缆 10.电力电缆 12.船用电缆 13.本安电缆 14.行车电缆 15.本安电缆 16.矿用电缆 17.仪表电缆 18.同轴电缆 19.铠装电缆 20.本安电缆 21.矿用电缆 22.仪表电缆 23.同轴电缆 24.铠装电缆 25.计算机电缆 26.耐高温电缆 27.双绞屏蔽线 28.硅橡胶电缆 29.扁平器电缆 30.高速公路电缆 31.矿用控制电缆 32.铁路信号电缆 33.铠装通信电缆 34.阻燃通信电缆 35.架空通信电缆 36.低烟无卤电缆 37.矿用通信电缆 38.电动葫芦电缆 39.高速公路电缆 40.通信用燃软电缆(通信设备电源线) 41.实芯聚乙稀绝缘聚氯乙稀护套射频同轴电缆 42.绞式聚乙烯绝缘聚氯乙烯护套市内通信电缆 43.KYJV22 交联聚乙烯绝缘聚氯乙烯护套钢
The rated voltage of the cable for a given applixation shall be suitable for the operating conditions
in the system in which the cable is used,and is expressed in the form of U0/U(Um)kv
U0-The rated power-frequency voltage between conductors and earth metallic screen ,for which the cable designed;
U - The rated power-frequency voltage between conductos, for which the cable designed;
Um- The maximum value of the“hest system voltage”for which the equipment may beused.
· 三相系统用电缆的U0值推荐如下表