





    VW Audi Control 3c0919275s
    发布者:jiyang08  发布时间:2018-07-27 15:47:24  访问次数:177

    5438-667                               2pcs       咨询电话:13850084243
    5464-643                               2pcs
    5464-648                               3pcs
    5464-653                               2pc
    5464-850                               3pcs
    5466-026                               4pcs
    KOSHIN RACINE,Rotary power,Oilgear(奥盖尔),POCLAIN 进口泵阀系列
    Honeywell(霍尼韦尔),EATON,Cutler-Hammer(卡特拉-汉莫) 进口电气自动化系列
    EATA,Sesino,EMMEGI(意美吉) 进口热交换器,冷却器系列
    HAUCK,Hoffman(霍夫曼),Impac 原装进口特价供应系列
    21893 Ridgid 21893 SR-20 SeekTech Lightweight, Utility Line Receiver/Locator Buy Now Sale 纪扬科技2,307.27
    (Reg. 纪扬科技2,621.90)
    Included Accessories

    1 - User Manual
    1 - Carrying Case
    1 - Markers and Mast Holder
    4 - C-cell Batteries
    1 - Training Video
    Optional Accessories
    16728 RIDGID 16728 Remote Transmitter Buy Now Sale 纪扬科技284.72
    (Reg. 纪扬科技323.55)
    19793 RIDGID 19793 Floating Transmitter (x2) Buy Now Sale 纪扬科技146.52
    (Reg. 纪扬科技166.50)
    20973 RIDGID 20973 Inductive Signal Clamp for SeekTech Systems Buy Now Sale 纪扬科技464.77
    (Reg. 纪扬科技528.15)
    22173 RIDGID 22173 SeekTech Hard Case for the SR-20/SR-24 Buy Now Sale 纪扬科技133.45
    (Reg. 纪扬科技151.65)
    21898 RIDGID 21898 ST-305 5-Watt Utility Line Transmitter Buy Now Sale 纪扬科技835.91
    (Reg. 纪扬科技949.90)
    21903 RIDGID 21903 10-Watt Utility Line Transmitter Buy Now Sale 纪扬科技1,672.00
    (Reg. 纪扬科技1,900.00)
    MFR ID: 49338 Ridgid 49338 ST-33Q+ SeekTech Line Transmitter with Bluetooth Buy Now Sale 纪扬科技2,637.36
    (Reg. 纪扬科技2,997.00)

    TS-70 Moly Paste 
    TS-70 Moly Paste is a thread compound with 70% molybdenum disulfide, NLGI No.2, especially suitable for wet or corrosive conditions, including subsea applications. It has highly consistent torque values for makeup and breakout. 
    TS-90 Moly Gear Concentrate is an additive for all types of gear oils to lower friction and improve the film-forming capabilities of the oil. 
    TS-65 MP Moly Grease 
    TS-65 M.P.Moly Grease is a multipurpose, semi-synthetic inorganic wheel bearing and chassis grease with moly. It is water insoluble and withstands high temperatures. TS-65 is an extreme pressure grease making it suitable for heavy duty industrial uses. 
    TS-91 Guard Dog 
    Super Moly Treatment for Gear Oil 
    Guard Dog Super Moly Treatment is an ultra premium additive for oil used in final drives and transmissions of motorcycles. It is a proprietary blend of synthetic oil and moly and is compatible with all grades of gear oils. 
    TS-210 SeaSafe Leg Dope And Cable Lube 35lb Pail 
    TS-90 Moly Gear Concentrate 5 Gallon Pail 
    TS-66V High Temperature Grease - 40lb Pail 
    TS-801 Dry Film Moly 12-12oz. cans 
    TS-70 Moly Paste With 70% MoS2 4 lb can 
    TS-264 SeaSafe EP Grease 45lb Pail 9602-0200 Satellite XT 4-20mA
    9602-0201 Satellite XT 4-20mA with UL fitting not certified to UL
    9602-0205 Satellite XT 4-20mA/R
    9602-0206 Satellite XT 4-20 mA/R UL with UL fitting not certified to
    9602-0250 Satellite XT 4-20mA/C
    9602-0251 Satellite XT 4-20mA/C UL with UL fitting not certified to UL
    9602-0255 Satellite XT 4-20mA/C/R
    9602-0400 Satellite XT FTT
    9602-0401 Satellite XT FTT UL with UL fitting not certified to UL
    9602-0405 Satellite XT FTT/R
    9602-0406 Satellite XT FTT/R UL with UL fitting not certified to UL
    9602-0450 Satellite XT FTT/C
    9602-0451 Satellite XT FTT/C UL with UL fitting not certified to UL
    9602-0505 Satellite XT R
    9612-0200 Satellite 4-20mA, protection class IP65
    9612-0205 Satellite 4-20mA/R, protection class IP65
    9612-0250 Satellite 4-20mA/C, protection class IP65
    9612-0255 Satellite 4-20mA/C/R, protection class IP65
    9612-0400 Satellite FTT, protection class IP65
    9612-0405 Satellite FTT/R, protection class IP65
    9602-020010 Satellite XT 4-20mA for use with extractive module
    9602-020510 Satellite XT 4-20mA/R for use with extractive module
    9602-025010 Satellite XT 4-20mA/C for use with extractive module
    9602-025510 Satellite XT 4-20mA/C/R for use with extractive module
    23 April 2015 / 201536 / page 2 of 2
    9602-040010 Satellite XT FTT for use with extractive module
    9602-040510 Satellite XT FTT/R for use with extractive module
    9602-045010 Satellite XT FTT/C for use with extractive module
    9602-050510 Satellite XT R for use with extractive module
    The previous Bulletin Number 2015-11 of the 12th February 2015 also mentioned delivery issues
    related to the Extractive modules these have now been resolved.
    So extractive modules Part Numbers as below are available:
    20404-0200 MST Extractive Module XT
    20404-0250 MST Extractive Module XTInstrument

    9602-0200 Satellite XT 4-20mA
    9602-0201 Satellite XT 4-20mA UL
    9602-0205 Satellite XT 4-20mA/R
    9602-0206 Satellite XT 4-20 mA/R UL
    9602-0250 Satellite XT 4-20mA/C
    9602-0251 Satellite XT 4-20mA/C UL 
    9602-0255 Satellite XT 4-20mA/C/R 
    9602-0400 Satellite XT FTT
    9602-0401 Satellite XT FTT UL 
    9602-0405 Satellite XT FTT/R 
    9602-0406 Satellite XT FTT/R UL 
    9602-0450 Satellite XT FTT/C 
    9602-0451 Satellite XT FTT/C UL
    9602-0505 Satellite XT R 
    9612-0200 Satellite 4-20mA, protection class IP65 
    9612-0205 Satellite 4-20mA/R, protection class IP65 
    9612-0250 Satellite 4-20mA/C, protection class IP65 
    9612-0255 Satellite 4-20mA/C/R, protection class IP66 
    9612-0400 Satellite FTT, protection class IP65
    9612-0405 Satellite FTT/R, protection class IP65 
    9602-020010 Satellite XT 4-20mA
    9602-020510 Satellite XT 4-20mA/R
    9602-025010 Satellite XT 4-20mA/C
    9602-025510 Satellite XT 4-20mA/C/R
    9602-040010 Satellite XT FTT 
    9602-040510 Satellite XT FTT/R 
    9602-045010 Satellite XT FTT/C 
    9602-050510 Satellite XT R


    20404-0200 MST Extractive Module XT Standard
    20404-0300 MST Extractive Module XT Low Flow (SF6, C5F8 only)
    20404-0250 MST Extractive Module XT Combustible Gases
    20408-0110 MST Pyrolyzer Module XT NF3 
    20408-0112 MST Pyrolyzer Module XT 1.2-DCE 
    20408-0114 MST Pyrolyzer Module XT SF6
    20408-0116 MST Pyrolyzer Module XT CH3F 
    20408-0120 MST Pyrolyzer Module XT C5F8 
    20408-0122 MST Pyrolyzer Module XT C4F6


    9602-9600 MST Sensor 1,2-DCE 0-1000 ppm (Pyrolyzer only)
    9602-9900 MST Sensor Combustible Gas 0-100 % LEL
    9602-9902 MST Sensor Combustible Gas 0-100 % LEL (Sat-Ex only)
    9602-6000 MST Sensor AsH3 0-1.00 ppm 2El.
    9602-6004 MST Sensor AsH3 0-1.00 ppm 3El.
    9602-6002 MST Sensor AsH3 0-10.0 ppm 
    9602-6202 MST Sensor B2H6 0-1.00 ppm 
    9602-6800 MST Sensor Br2 0-5.00 ppm 
    9602-9732 MST Sensor C4F6 0-50.0 ppm (Pyrolyzer only) 
    9602-9730 MST Sensor C5F8 0-20.0 ppm (Pyrolyzer only)
    9602-9720 MST Sensor CH3F 0-0.500 %-vol. (Pyrolyzer only) 
    9602-5300 MST Sensor Cl2 0-5.00 ppm
    9602-7410 MST Sensor ClF3 0-1.00 ppm 
    9602-7400 MST Sensor ClO2 0-1.00 ppm
    9602-5400 MST Sensor CO 0-500 ppm 
    9602-6600 MST Sensor COCl2 0-1.00 ppm 
    9602-8000 MST Sensor ETO 0-20.0 ppm 
    9602-6401 MST Sensor F2 0-30 ppm
    9602-6400 MST Sensor F2 0-5.00 ppm 
    9602-6902 MST Sensor GeH4 0-5.0 ppm 
    9602-5100 MST Sensor H2 0-1.000 %-vol. 
    9602-5101 MST Sensor H2 0-4.00 %-vol. 
    9602-5200 MST Sensor H2S 0-100 ppm 
    9602-5201 MST Sensor H2S 0-30.0 ppm
    9602-5601 MST Sensor H2Se 0-1.00 ppm
    9602-7000 MST Sensor HBr 0-30.0 ppm
    9602-5800 MST Sensor HCl 0-30.0 ppm 
    9602-5700 MST Sensor HCN 0-30.0 ppm 
    9602-6500 MST Sensor HF 0-10.0 ppm 
    9602-6715 MST Sensor HMDS 0-0.500 %-vol. 
    9602-6714 MST Sensor HMDS 0-500 ppm
    9602-7600 MST Sensor N2H4 0-1.00 ppm
    9602-9700 MST Sensor NF3 0-50.0 ppm (Pyrolyzer only)
    9602-6704 MST Sensor NH3 0-100 ppm Version SE 
    9602-6705 MST Sensor NH3 0-1000 ppm 
    9602-7200 MST Sensor NO 0-250 ppm 
    9602-7300 MST Sensor NO2 0-25.0 ppm 
    9602-5500 MST Sensor O2 0-25.0 %-vol. 
    9602-7100 MST Sensor O3 0-1.00 ppm
    9602-7101 MST Sensor O3 0-1.00 ppm Exhaust Monitoring 
    9602-6100 MST Sensor PH3 0-1.00 ppm 2El. 
    9602-6102 MST Sensor PH3 0-1.00 ppm 3El. 
    9602-9710 MST Sensor SF6 0-0.500 %-vol. (Pyrolyzer only) 
    9602-6301 MST Sensor SiH4 0-50.0 ppm 
    9602-5900 MST Sensor SO2 0-25.0 ppm 
    9602-7500 MST Sensor TEOS 0-100 ppm 
    9602-7510 MST Sensor TMB 0-500 ppm 
    9602-7800 MST Sensor TMP 0-30.0 ppm

    Spares and Accessories

    9602.0014.10.00 Option Extractive Module XT Adapter Kit
    9602.0050.10.01 Mounting Rail standard, DIN rail 90 x 35 x 7.5 mm 
    9602.0050.10.03 Mounting Rail standard, DIN rail 180 x 35 x 7.5 mm 
    9602.0051.10.02 Mounting plate L-shaped with DIN rail
    9602.0090.00.01 Sensor Extension 2m Standard
    9602.0091.00.01 Sensor Extension 3m
    9602.0092.00.01 Sensor Extension 1m 
    9602.0093.00.01 Sensor Extension 2m Combustible 
    9602.0094.00.01 Sensor Extension 3m Combustible 
    9902-4000 Saddle 4'' 
    9902-4010 Saddle 6'' 
    9902-4020 Saddle 8''
    9902-4030 Saddle 10'' 
    9902-4040 Saddle 12''
    9902-4100 Saddle 1.5'' 
    9902-4110 Saddle 2'' 
    9902-4120 Saddle 2.5'' 
    9902-4130 Saddle 3'' 
    9902-4200 Saddle flat 
    9602.0095.40.00 Calibration Cap for Satellite
    9602.0097.10.00 Metal Sensor Adapter for Sensor Extension complete 
    9602.0098.10.00 Adapter Sensor Extension complete
    9602.0099.10.00 Adapter Sensor Extension C complete 
    9902.0008.40.00 1 1/4" to M40 adapter
    02000-A-1635 Weatherproof cap for use with toxic detector including remote gassing nozzle (for Sensepoint, Signalpoint, Satellite (with adapter), XNX MPD and Series 2000) 
    02000-A-1640 Weatherproof cap for use with combustible detector including remote gassing nozzle (for Sensepoint, Signalpoint, Satellite (with adapter), XNX MPD and Series 2000) 
    02000-A-1642 Collecting cone for use with flammable detector (for Sensepoint, Signalpoint, Satellite (with adapter), XNX MPD and Series 2000) 
    02000-A-1645 Flow Housing Assembly (for Sensepoint, Signalpoint, Satellite (with adapter), XNX MPD and Series 2000) 
    Note: Adapter 9902.0008.40.00 must be ordered, when using 02000-A-1635/1640/1642/1645 with Satellite XT Sensors.
    9608.0039.10.00 Sensor Extension PU/EU Std.
    9608.0040.10.00 Sensor Extension PU/EU Combustible
    9604.0090.00.00 Flashback Arrestor 
    9003.0040.10.00 Heater Element compl. 
    1991-0136 Inlet Tubing, FEP Teflon 100' 1/4 x 1/8 
    1991-0137 Exhaust Tubing, Poly 100' 1/4" OD
    Combustible Gases
    20404-0300 MST Extractive Module XT Low
    Flow (SF6, C5F8 only) 
    TS-115 Corrosion Control Grease 
    TS-123 Synthetic Moly Chuck Grease 
    TS-116 Corrosion Control Grease with Moly 
    TS-201 Walking Cam Heavy 
    TS-210 SeaSafe Leg Dope And Cable Lube 
    TS-264 SeaSafe EP Grease (Biodegradable) 
    TS-333 Heavy Grind EP Grease 
    TS-400 Synplex Ultra High Temp Grease 
    TS-64 Kiln Car Grease 
    TS-65 M.P.Moly Grease [Ts65;65;Moly Lube; Multipurpose Lube Mp G 
    TS-66B High Temperature Grease (Bearings) 
    TS-66V High Temperature Grease (Valves) 
    TS-67 Arctic Grade Moly Grease 
    TS-726 Fishing Reel Grease 
    TS-619 Sewing Machine Oil 
    TS-480 Wire Rope L And P

    KPER 100L 2 FDS TPM140, 3KW, 2880RPM,S/N: 0747257001805H
    HDD30*27 四流
    柱塞泵 PVM131ER/0GS02AAA28
    电磁换向阀 4WE10J33/CG24N9K4
    柱塞式同步马达 FMP-4E-EB0.4%24Mpa42L/min(FMC-4IB)
    PFRL101C-2.0KN, 3BSE023316R0002, S/N: SW11200021
    Type: 210-D5MA-17.1-A1, 17.10HP, 1750RPM, ratio: 17.1,No.: 7402250001EK 079163-74-HH
    Type: CH10A8189-600 FT2+G211
    Type: CH10A214-600 FT2+G211

    Type: M441-11Y-T-1276-2,24V"
    Type: PVG065B2UVRGFS P-1NN/G036NN/783,S/N: 08724450
    液位计NS 25/25-AM-K-SK661/700 VITON,100016440 008302 001,L1=700mm, analogue output 4-20Ma/resolution 7.5mm,Max. 25bar/120℃
    Model: GCP-016PI, S/N: 142445-1,CONTROL: 02-813654/30,Acc. to 97/23/EC Art. 3.3,Dwg: 3-15641r1
    热金属检测器1342.43VL100  450度
    张力计辊压头ABB  PRESSURE TECHNOLOGY  TYPE  PFCL201CE  ORDER  NO.3BSX105882-108  ROTE  LOAD  10KN  SER  NO.8209166
    氧分析仪控制器TYP:9407 965 04002 012 Nr.:8471/5
    冷却器修复COILTECII AB REF W2837.2397-001-001,TYPE  QLNZ-135-050-3-0-2-10-X-2
    制动阀总成:2102-263A  23107
    中继阀:2106-118B  22598
    PLP10.5.3 S0-30S0/PLP10.6.3 S0-59V6-LOB/OA-N-EL-P
    Type:W41R 315MX6 KL NS TPM VL WE HW 150.0 PS,110KW,S/N: 193456/0001H
    Type:W41R 315MX6 KL NS TPM VL WE HW 178.0 PS,132KW,S/N: 193455/0001H
    Type: W41R 180M4 0D TPM VL WE HW 25.0 PS,18.5KW,S/N: 194036/0001H
    Type: 2TC 280S-4 B5, 75KW, 380V,1480RPM,No.: 120210501
    Type: SWE280M-4, IM1001,S/N: 110608083
    1LG6186-4MA60 22KW B3 (Y180L-4) 41.5A 380V 1465r/min IP55 序列号:1201/1406991-001-1
    变压器Type: EGT, 450VA+ 180W 50-60Hz,Art.Nr. 078-0305
    阀SCG256A004VMS, ORIFICE/PIPE:Φ2.4/G1/8
    Model: C6240-0020, 24V USV DC,S/N: 753926-002
    Type: 3MA90L4, 1.5KW, B14,No.: 30004314
    型号:7AA80M02K, 0.75KW, IMB5,序列号:UD 0811/1182933-012-3
    抱闸:FCRJ2       Mf  105Nm,Un 180V    IP55
    LEROY SOMER~3  LSMVR-132M,No  400166840/001,IP55 IK08 S1 c/h 40℃ cl F,V      Hz   min-1   KW   COS Ф   A,230   50   1450   9      0.88      28.90,400   50   CTP    9      0.88      16.80,633037B
    编码器:Kubler,Type:8.5820M.0H10.1024.0010,5VDC    90mA,S-Nr:1114100354
    编码器连线插头:FBB Automation,C0R008CC042,LS-SCBAC-025,8100029043/D,060711054
    抱闸:FREIN FCPL 54   IP44  180Nm,180VDC   A0.6
    编码器连线插头:FBB Automation,LS-SCBAC,LS-SCBAC-050,281111042
    厚积薄发 2014/3/7 14:18:02,MOTEUR ASYNCHRONE,Type:LS MV 180M,No:   1123M20499,IP55  18.5KW 3~Hz50 COS Ф 0.84,cl F  eCHT 100  min-11468  S1, U2  A,V-Δ/Y   230/400   58.6/34.4
    2K3003004 HPA300 OMP ACT 230V/400V 1394/1645rpm

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