FULLRIVER电池制造有限公司成立于1995年。FULLRIVER自豪地作为英超质量的铅酸电池制造商在中国赢得了世界声誉。FULLRIVER专业生产阀控式密封铅酸蓄电池铅酸蓄电池,包括FULLRIVER的高性能直流深循环范围。 FULLRIVER所有的电池是免维护的,非危险品和非溢漏的,提供一个清洁和绿色替代传统电池的湿/被淹的危险。不像许多的电池生产商,FULLRIVER控制整个制造过程,从电网铸造及板粘贴到最后的组装。这一点的重要性不能被夸大,它确保全面质量控制。 FULLRIVER已经获得了质量保证认证,包括ISO9001认证,UL,CE和TUV认证的质量生产体系。 FULLRIVER生产的BCI,DIN和JIS包括各种国际规格的电池。今天,FULLRIVER的制造工厂占地面积80万平方尺,产生广泛6,8和12伏的电池。
A brief history of Fullriver Battery Mfg. Co., Ltd.
Product development…
Fullriver Battery Manufacture Co., Ltd. was founded in 1995 and launched the HGL series. The HGL series batteries are mainly for general use purposes, i.e. low power UPS, Security & Alarm Systems, Emergency Lighting, Office machines, etc.
The normal voltages for the HGL series are 6V and 12V; the capacity is ranged from 0.8Ah to 260Ah.
In 2001, the HGXL series was launched. This series is a 2V stationary maintenance-free battery, designed as high capacity, long life and high power batteries. These are mainly used for high capacity UPS systems, telecommunications and solar battery systems applications. The capacity of this series is ranged from 50 AH to 3000 AH.
In 2003, the HGHL series was launched. This series performs well in both high rate discharge and float service applications. This series was specially designed for UPS standby power supply. It is also available for other float service applications, such as emergency power supply, communication power supply, etc. the power of this series is ranged from 35W to 910W.
In 2004, the FAT series and the DC series were launched .The FAT series also has the characteristics of high rate discharge. They are widely used in UPS systems and telecommunications. The FAT series features front terminal connections for fast and easy installation and maintenance. The monobloc's compact design is suitable for 19", 23"and ETSI racking. The capacity of FAT series is ranged from 55Ah to 175Ah.
The DC series is specially designed and used for deep cycle applications, which may require many more cycles. This series also has excellent recovery from deep discharge. The DC series is mainly used in golf trolley, golf caddy, forklift, electric wheelchairs, floor cleaning machines, marine,
Based on their over 15 years of experience in the lead acid battery industry, technicians at FULLRIVER have become highly capable of designing and manufacturing customer-oriented batteries. After numerous experiments, FULLRIVER engineers have invented proprietary grid alloy formula and lead plaster formula. Combined with the advanced plate curing techniques, these formulae ensure FULLRIVER batteries to have better performance than most of their peer products in the market.
In order to sustain our rapid growth, FULLRIVER BATTERY is constantly looking for hard-working and customer-oriented people to join us. We particularly need people in electrochemistry, semiconductor chip packaging, industrial management and finance area.
We offer right candidates with great career opportunities, competitive salary, and health benefits.
For job inquiries, please send your resumes to: