





    发布者:xrd0186  发布时间:2020-08-10 09:23:26  访问次数:67





    We sincerely look forward to working with you for your cooperationcreate a better future.

    一个品牌,一个故事,一种 PLC 卡件,一段经历!


    Foxboro(福克斯波罗):I/A Series系统,FBM现场输入/输出模块等。
    Triconex(英维斯): 冗余容错容错控制器。
    Westinghouse(西屋): OVATION系统备件。
    Allen-Bradley: Reliance瑞恩、1747/1746/1756/1771/1785等。
    Schneider Modicon(施耐德莫迪康)处理器、控制卡、电源模块等。
    ABB:工业机器人备件DSQC系列、Bailey INFI 90等。
    Siemens(西门子):Siemens MOORE, Siemens数控系统等。
    Motorola(摩托罗拉):MVME 162、MVME 167、MVME1772、MVME177等系列。
    XYCOM:I/O 、VME板和处理器等。
    GE FANUC(GE发那科):模块、卡件、驱动器等各类备件。
    Bosch Rexroth(博世力士乐):Indramat,I/O模块,PLC控制器,驱动模块等。


    A novel charge pump 451 for PCM phase locked loop (pll) for phase change memory (PCM) should have low output noise and low power consumption, which requires the charge pump circuit to reduce thermal noise and 1 / F noise as far as possible, but it needs large area and high output impedance, which can not only reduce the current mismatch, but also improve the PSRR. Charge pump circuit for PCM clock. N-tube current source and p-tube current source cross combination, respectively with MN9 and MP7 to form a current source, thus eliminating the N-TUBE and p-tube in the process of mismatch, for the switch tube to provide accurate current. The effect of channel length modulation is eliminated by using a cascode current source. MN3 and MN1 are the reference current mirrors, and mirror current to the current arms of MN4 and MN6, which in turn provide the reference current for MP1 and MP5, while MP1 mirrors current to MP3 and thus provides the reference current source for MN8. Finally, MN8 and MP5 mirror the current to MN9 and MP7 tubes, respectively, while up / up and dw / dw control the current switch to control the charge and discharge at the output terminal. The mismatch of NMOS and PMOS in current mirror will also cause the mismatch of charge pump current. In order to solve the problem of current mismatch, Vgs-Vt should be increased as much as possible, but this will reduce the dynamic output range of charge pump. Consider the compromise vgs-vt 0.2 v. Up / Up and dw / dw switch tubes are of the same size and need to be well matched in layout planning,




    57120001-CV DSTA 131
    57120001-DE DSAI 151
    57120001-DK DSAI 120
    57120001-DP DSAI 110
    57120001-E DSTA 121
    57120001-ET DSTA 180
    57120001-EY DSAO 120
    57120001-FC DSTA 170
    57120001-FG DSAO 130
    57120001-FS DSTA 140
    57120001-FX DSAI 160
    57120001-GB DSAI 165
    57120001-HE DSAI 309
    57120001-HP DSTA 145
    57120001-KD DSTA 155
    57120001-KH DSTA 156
    57120001-KN DSTA 133
    57120001-KY DSTY 101
    57120001-LE DSAI 135
    57160001-KX DSDO 131
    57160001-LF DSTD 133
    57160001-LL DSDI 307
    57160001-MA DSTX 120
    57160001-NB DSTD 115
    57160001-NF DSDO 115
    57160001-NL DSTD 301
    57160001-NR DSTD 302
    57160001-NV DSDI 115
    57160001-P DSTD 120
    57160001-PA DSDI 116
    57160001-PE DSDI 126
    57160001-PK DSDI 125
    57160001-PP DSTD 189
    57160001-SH DSTD 306
    57160001-TK DSDI 141A

    5730030-F   由【厦门兴锐嘉进出口有限公司】优惠供应.

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