





    DT322A GJR2155500R0001库存ABB
    发布者:xrd0186  发布时间:2020-08-12 09:03:11  访问次数:70

    DT322A GJR2155500R0001



    Based don high quality and mutual benefit,Xingruijia looks forward to cooperating with you

    一个品牌,一个故事,一种 PLC 卡件,一段经历!




    which is the source of harmonic current. There is a certain limit to the harmonic current injected into the power grid in our country. The manufacturer of the INVERTER shall account for the harmonic content of the product. The inverter output voltage should be low burr, should not be controlled by the motor capacity requirements. (3) there is no special requirement for the control function of frequency converter in water supply industry. At present, all the control functions provided by frequency converter products can meet the requirements of water industry. Among these functions, the water industry pays more attention to the self-starting function after a short period of power failure. Energy-saving products in terms of energy consumption is certainly less than non-energy-saving products, but also to use properly. In situations where speed regulation is not needed, such as supplying water to a high-level tank, the frequency converter-driven pump set is not necessarily more economical than the fixed-speed pump set. Open one-way check valve hydraulic booster device without changing the structure of the valve itself, easy to install and maintain, responsive, reliable work. After the installation of the device, the single pump can save more than 10% of energy consumption, saving more than 200 million kilowatt-hours of electricity per year for enterprises. In practical application, it is an important way to make the equipment more energy-saving and environment-friendly to reform the fluid equipment or add the auxiliary equipment. Electricity, because the frequency converter joined, many a frequency converter efficiency discount. In a group of pumps if only one pump speed, the result is not necessarily energy-saving. In short





    DT322A GJR2155500R0001

    ABB 3BHB003689

    ABB 3BHB005171R0101

    ABB 3BHB005922R0001

    ABB 3BHB006414R0001 XVC770AE

    ABB 3BHB007211R0102/XV C768 AE102

    ABB 3BHB007211R0102/XV C768AE102

    ABB 3BHB020538R0001

    ABB 3BHE004573R0141 UFC760BE141

    ABB 3BHE004573R0143 UFC760BE143

    ABB 3BHE005555R0101 LD SYN-101

    ABB 3BHE005555R0101 LDSYN-101

    ABB 3BHE006412R0101 UFC762AE101

    ABB 3BHE009681R0101

    ABB 3BHE014070R0101 PPC905AE101

    ABB 3BHE014070R0101/PP C905 AE101

    DT322A GJR2155500R0001 由【厦门兴锐嘉进出口有限公司】优惠供应.

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