





    GJR5252400R0101 07DI92供应优品
    发布者:xrd0186  发布时间:2020-08-12 09:16:40  访问次数:77

    GJR5252400R0101 07DI92



    Based don high quality and mutual benefit,Xingruijia looks forward to cooperating with you

    一个品牌,一个故事,一种 PLC 卡件,一段经历!




     so that China's inverter industry continues to expand the market share of the industry, and with a strong development force to become an important basis for China's industrial economic development. In order to meet the power requirement in operation, the main motor equipments in our country, such as fans, water pumps, Air compressor and so on, often have great design redundancy in the output power, in order to meet the power requirement in operation, the main motor equipments such as fans, pumps and Air compressor in our country often have a large design redundancy in the output power, if the use of mechanical speed control energy is largely wasted on the valves and throttle baffles. Frequency conversion technology through power electronic control to complete speed control, in the back-end drive motor to increase its speed range, high frequency when the effect is more obvious. Fan pump type of load is most suitable for the installation of energy-saving inverter, compared to low-voltage inverter, high-voltage technology in the subdivided industry more widely used. As an important component of industrial control system, frequency converter is installed in the front of motor to realize speed regulation and energy saving. The rear end of high-voltage inverter mainly drives fans and pumps, and the actual power-saving effect is 30% ~ 60% . In the future, the market development of this industry will benefit from large and medium-sized projects. In the next few years, China's inverter industry will tend to energy-saving, diversified development, and its future development will benefit from the upgrading of manufacturing equipment. Frequency conversion technology was first used to adjust the speed of the motor stepless, through the control of the semiconductor device to change the output frequency, in order to achieve the back end drive AC motor soft start, frequency conversion speed and improve operating accuracy, and over-current, over-voltage, overload protection. Compared with the past mechanical speed regulation, the range of variable frequency speed regulation is wide, and it can reach 100% ~ 5% 




    GJR5252400R0101 07DI92

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    GJR5252400R0101 07DI92由【厦门兴锐嘉进出口有限公司】优惠供应.

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