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When the line is not up, check whether the program is the same, if not, the screen will prompt you is "top" or "download" program. This time may want to pay attention, do not easily "the upper mount" and "the download" . Read the English prompts carefully to see what you want to do, just point the pole confirmation. The INSERTION OF AB-PLC MODULE: The module of Ab can be inserted in any Slot on the rack, but when setting the Slot number of the module, the Slot number must be the same as the Slot number on the rack. How to use the MSG instruction for data transfer: For example: 1. To Write a MESSAGE from PLC5 to Logix5550, first create the tag name in Controller Tags (global variables) and define its Type (Type) as "MESSAGE" . 2. Create an MSG instruction in the program and define its name as Write, followed by a Write, and open the dialog as follows: Select the Configuration item to see: Message Type: This example is PLC5Word Range Write (meaning to Write a Message, the controller is PLC5 Word Write Range) ; This example is ABB [0] , which means the address of the variable to be passed, and the address of the variable to be passed; Number of the variable to be passed; Destination: N10:0, which means that the MSG instruction places the ABB [0] variable of PLC5 in an N10:0 of Logix5550. One-on-one on the back. For example: 1. To read information from PLC5 to Logix5550, first create a tag name read in Controller Tags (global variables) and define its Type as "MESSAGE" . Sentence is too long, please supply a shorter sentence. When making a program, the called block can not be used as a "main routine" . 11. When we need to "force" a point, we must first "enable" the program. The order of operations is as follows: 1. Click the No Forces project in the upper left-hand corner; 2. Open the i/o Forcing project; 3. After i/o Forcing, select Enable All I/O Forces; 4. The No Forces project will now "turn yellow. " Now Click the right button on the point you want to force, and a dialog box will appear. 5. move the mouse to Force On, which is usually used to Force a high level and an "On" level. 6. move the mouse to Force Off, which is usually used to Force a switch to "Off" at a lower level. MOVE THE MOUSE TO RMOVE Force (UNENFORCE) when it is no longer enforced, at a certain point, you can use RMOVE Force to unenforce.
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