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The logical program and label definitions from the controller are saved in a file with a different name from the original application. This keeps any files currently stored on the hard drive of the workstation and prevents overwriting of existing applications. 21. Do not use a rack connection for a diagnostic i/o module or an output module with insurance. The output data with the diagnostic module and the safety module can not be transmitted through the rack connection. It should also be kept in mind that a Logix5550 allows up to 250 bidirectional connections, with 16 allowed for each independent i/o module. it will be uploaded and saved from the controller if it is in the online programming state. If the user does not want the data uploaded from the controller, it should be offline before saving the project. If the user uploads from the controller, the new project file will not contain the following: 1. Step Comments; 2. Descriptions of labels, tasks, programs, routines, modules, or user-defined structures; 3. Chains of aliases (aliases pointing to another alias) . If the user uploads an application from the controller with the same name as the one that exists on the Workstation, the upload process will not overwrite the current application and will be handled as a "upload as" process.
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