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AB-PL INSTRUCTIONS 1. When you build an input module. For example: 1. [1]1756-IB16 module, open global variable (Controller Tags) will see Local: 1: C, then open Local: 1: C Will See (input module configuration data) . 2. Local: 1: I is the input point for the 1756-IB16 module. Open Local: 1: I and you'll see Local: 1: I. Fault (Fault Entry Point) a Fault point is a channel Fault when a Fault occurs at a point in a module. The "1" State is displayed under Value. 3. Local: 1: I. Data is the Data entry point, in this case 16 points. [2]1756-OB16 module, open global variable (Controller Tags) will see Local: 2: C, then open Local: 2: C Will See (output module configuration data) . 5. Local: 2: O is the output point of the 1756-OB16 module, 16 points in this case. 6. Local: 2: The points inside can be used to check if the output points of this module are correct. When a point uses an alias, for example, the variable name pen will be@Local: 1: I. Data.0. 3. How to change the channel of AB-PLC, we can use "variable name" way is very convenient. For example, the channel used previously by the variable name PEN IS & Lt; Local: 1: I. Data.0 & GT; , and Now 0 This channel is broken, so let's Put & Lt; Local: 1: I. For Data A. 0 & GT; Read & Lt; Local: 1: I. The channel of Data.1 & GT; will be fine, since the points brought by the pen will change with time. Drag the mouse to the point you want to modify (only variable name) , the right-click will come out, many options, right-click on Edit"pen"Properties to open a dialog box. You can see the following: Name Pen Description (Description) Tag Type: Base Base Base Base Alias "selected as in this case" Consumed Alias For: Selected Local: 1: I in this case. Data.1 alias address Data Type: BOOL DATA TYPE SCOPE: Mainprogram main program, Scope Style: Decimal Style, after all the above settings, point pole confirmation, then the point on the program changes. 4. The procedure block call is divided into: 1. Direct call 2. Indirect call, for example: We want in Main Routine (Main Routine) with subroutine is "direct call" . The subroutine we want to use in the Main Routine is the "indirect call" . 5. How to change Main Routine. A-B OEMAX A-B OEMax offers performance-optimized automation components at a lower price than you would expect, helping independent oems achieve economies of scale.
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