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Rockwell International's POWERFLEX 400P AC vector converter offers a variety of powerful features and solutions for a variety of load applications. The power of the POWERFLEX 400p converter is 2.2-250kW@380-480V AC. The POWERFLEX 400P is designed to meet the needs of Global Oems, system integrators and end users for motor speed control and energy conservation. Product description packaging? IP20 something can be used at 50 °C for conventional control cabinet internal or external installation. ? IP30 something can be used at 45 °C for conventional control cabinet inside or outside the cabinet? . i/o. Three (3) semi-programmable digital inputs and four (4) programmable digital inputs provide the versatility of the application ? Two (2) programmable c-type relay outputs and one (1) optocoupler output are usually used to represent the various states of the inverter or motor. ? Two (2) analog outputs are selected by DIP switch for 0-10V or 0-20mA analog output. These 10-bit calibrated outputs can be used to measure or as speed reference values for other converters ? Two (2) analog inputs (one unipolar and one bipolar) are selected for voltage or current input via the DIP switch? One input and one output is isolated from the rest of the INVERTER i/o breaks. ? Six (6) programmable type A relay outputs can be increased by installing relay extension cards (D.E.F.G & AMP; H frame only) ? .
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