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Operation Panel and programming. ? Integrated Keyboard with 2 lines, 16 characters or 8 simplified Chinese LCD screen display ? The LED indicator shows the converter configuration and fault status? Digital acceleration/deceleration control? Display parameter names in text mode. ? Split the parameters into file groups according to different functions, making programming faster and easier? . Communication. ? Communication Modules (DEVICENET? , EtherNet/IP? , PROFIBUS? , LonWorks? , BACnet?) and accessories supporting DSI ? Built in Modbus RTU. ? The P1-FLN and Johnson Metasys N2 communication protocols are optional with no additional hardware or software required. ? Integrated RS485 COMMUNICATION INTERFACE FOR PC programming. It can also be used in multi-branch networks. Can any device with a DF1 port be interconnected using a serial conversion module? . PC programming software through the use of the serial conversion module and drive explorer? Or DriveTools. ? SP SOFTWARE TO MAKE PROGRAMMING EASIER? . Drive explorer software. ? Use a similar method to Microsoft Windows Explorer file management to browse and modify the parameters of the converter and communication card ? By operating the inverter through the control bar on the screen, the user can start, stop and change the speed reference value of the inverter. ? Save, restore, and print parameter information ? Automatically compares the current parameter with the factory default or previously saved parameter values. ? Edit, upload, and download parameters? . DRIVETOOLS SP software? Ability to program online and offline? Tabular display and session-based parameter editing? Frequency converter indication and communication status will be displayed immediately when browsing online? Integrated HTML help architecture users can access the above software through the following remote HIM module: ? Module 22-HIM-C2S? Module 22-HIM-A3
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