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smooth control table SFC and St. (the price of the software development kit is another surprise for you.) Easier to develop, read, and modify programs: no need to allocate/memorize memory addresses (steps required for regular plcs) , users can directly use or customize the control object/component properties of the "Tag" (support array and struct way) for programming. Description of related processor performance: 1.1769-L20 processor supports 8 local I/O, can carry on the field equipment through 1 DeviceNet industry fieldbus, the distributed i/o (backplane data limit is 256Words) and the multiprocessor/host computer networking. Of course, the Ethernet 2.1769-L30 processor can support 16 local i/o through the communication module, deviceNet industrial fieldbus can be used for field devices, distributed i/o (backplane data limit is 256Words) and multi-processor/upper computer networking. Of course, the EtherNet networking of multi-processor/upper computer can also be realized through communication module. 3. The 1769-L35E processor supports 30 local I/O and has a built-in 100 mbps ethernet/IP industrial control network interface for real-time control, as well as multi-processor/host networking and distributed i/o control. Of course, you can also connect field devices and distributed i/o via multiple DeviceNet industrial fieldbuses. NETLINX network transparent integration: USERS can access the system from any point without any programming, remote access, configuration, diagnosis or maintenance of any device in any of the following industrial networks-GB/T1858.3DeviceNet,
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