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IEC 61158controlnet industrial fieldbus or Industrial EtherNet. Without any programming, users can implement processor "tags" on the same control net or EtherNet/IP that are shared by multiple Logix series processors. This function also enables data from a Di/ai station on the network to be sent to a number of Logix series processors at the same time, or the output instructions of a processor to be sent to a number of inverters and other field devices on the network simultaneously. The controller "Tag" can be used directly by the A-BPANELVIEWPLUS or VersaView field operator panel or RSVIEWSE host monitor screen without redefining (the patented Factorytalk data integration technology) , it can also be used directly by factory databases connected via RSSQL, such as sql sever or Oracle. Compact appearance, high standard industrial grade 1769CompactI/o can be installed directly on the panel or side by side on DIN rails (20% to 30% less installation space than traditional PLC) . The Detachable Front Connection Terminal is provided with the 1769CompactI/o module and the user does not have to pay extra. The strict industrial design ensures that the user has sufficient wiring/operating space when using the 32-point DI/DO module. 1769 COMPACTI/O can be used as a local i/o station or distributed i/o station (via 1769-ADN adapter module)
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