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The integrated intelligent MCC allen-Bradly IntelliCENTER motor control center provides users with system solutions that integrate hardware, monitoring software, and communications. INTELLICENTER provides real-time on-line motor operation data, Operation Trends, component history, secondary schematics, user manuals, and spare parts lists. With IntelliCENTER's plug-and-play capabilities, we can reduce system setup time, reduce system downtime, and provide system diagnostics and fault information. One of IntelliCENTER features: BUILT-IN DEVICENET IntelliCENTER configures open network DeviceNet, reducing the connection between MCC and control system. DeviceNet cable is built into the body of MCC to prevent damage during installation. Each IntelliCENTER cabinet provides 6 plug-in DeviceNet ports for easy installation, movement and addition of new units, making it easy to adjust the control unit. The current rating of DeviceNet cable in IntelliCENTER is 8A, 600V, a kind of wire, which allows DeviceNet wire to be near the power bus. INTELLICENTER features two: New DeviceNet products new DeviceNet products can capture new information for monitoring the system running process, system maintenance and advanced diagnosis. E3 solid state thermal relay provides built-in DeviceNet interface and four on-off inputs for monitoring contactor, circuit breaker and manual auto-conversion status. Programmable protection features include overload/underload, phase out/phase unbalance, blocking, grounding, and PTC thermistor input. Information provided includes: How long to trip, how long to reset, heat capacity values, five historical trip records
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