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send out the data, Nvram has the function of power off to save the data, ? So even if the external power is cut off, FAM can continue to save data. ? Ringing and SMS sending the newspaper, When the newspaper is generated, FAM supports ringing and SMS sending the newspaper Information, Fam will ring first for 10 seconds before the content of the newspaper is sent to the user via SMS. . The user can also remotely set up and control the FAM via SMS ? SMS receipt, in order to ensure the timely delivery of SMS, users can set the number of times to send sms, unless the user or received an ACK SMS receipt sent by the user, Fam will send the number of times and interval SMS. ? Auto send message cancel SMS FAM ALL I/O ports can set message recovery SMS, when status, can send message to inform the user in time ? Timed i/o interface status ET8610 FAM supports the function of timing i/o interface status information, users can set a daily time or interval fixed time to report, Fam can be in the user's time to send i/o status information to the data center.
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