详细介绍:测量范围 | 20 - 120 A Scale | 精度 | ±1 durometer unit | 重量 | 2 oz | 尺寸 | 2.25" x 6.125"H | 用途 | 专为冰鞋行业而设计,测量滑板轮的硬度 |
硬度计是测量物体硬度的仪器,表示材料抵抗硬物体压入其表面的能力。它是金属材料的重要性能指标之一。一般硬度越高,耐磨性越好。根据所测硬度单位:洛氏硬度计、维氏硬度计、显微硬度计、布氏硬度计、邵氏硬度计、巴氏硬度计、里氏硬度计、韦氏硬度计、肖氏硬度计、布洛维硬度。根据使用方式:便携式硬度计、台式硬度计。 进口硬度计,美国Check-Line RX-1600-A120专为冰鞋行业而设计,测量滑板轮的硬度。 The new Checkline RX-1600-A120 durometer features a scale specifically designed for testing the hardness of skateboard wheels that measures up to 120 on the "A" scale. Normal type A durometers only read to 100 however as wheel manufacturers began to satisfy the demand from riders who wanted harder wheels, wheels with hardness ratings over 100 A became available. Our Check-Line RX-1600-A120 features a dial that reads from 20 to 120 on the "A" scale to allow wheel manufacturers and riders to accurately measure their wheels in the over 100 range.
Measuring Range | 20 - 120 A Scale | Accuracy | ±1 durometer unit | Dimensions | 2.25" x 6.125"H | Weight | 6 oz. |
订货清单 The RX-1600-A120 is supplied as a complete kit including the durometer & instruction manual in a foam-fitted metal carrying case. 订货型号 RX-1600-A120 Skate Wheel Durometer Hardness Tester
相关型号 RX-1600 RX-DD
