详细介绍:测量范围 | 1000g/5000g | 型号 | CLE-150L/ CLE-150H/ CLE-150M | 适用硬度计 | 邵/肖氏A/C/D/Asker C | 功能 | 恒定测量速度和施加压力值 | 用途 | 用气动阀门和砝码来固定硬度计测量橡胶与塑料材质样品 |
硬度计是测量物体硬度的仪器,表示材料抵抗硬物体压入其表面的能力。它是金属材料的重要性能指标之一。一般硬度越高,耐磨性越好。根据所测硬度单位:洛氏硬度计、维氏硬度计、显微硬度计、布氏硬度计、邵氏硬度计、巴氏硬度计、里氏硬度计、韦氏硬度计、肖氏硬度计、布洛维硬度。根据使用方式:便携式硬度计、台式硬度计。 进口硬度计美国Check-Line CLE-150型硬度计底座专为测量橡胶,塑料的硬度,通过动阀门和砝码来固定硬度计与样品,测量更为精准。 3 Models Available: Check-Line CLE-150L: For Shore A and Asker C Durometers Checkline CLE-150H: For Shore D Durometers Check-Line CLE-150M: For Shore A, D and Asker C Durometers Checkline CLE-150 motorized constant speed/load stand eliminates speed and load variables which occur when hand-testing samples with a durometer. Select speeds from 0.1~19.9 mm/sec in .1 mm increments. Choose a model with the appropriate hardness scale for the material you are testing. In addition, the unique flexible coupling enables the presser foot of the durometer to make perfect contact even on samples with inclined surfaces.
Test speed and weight are constant Unique flexible coupling system automatically aligns the presser foot to the surface of sample Adjustable Test speed: 0.1~19.9 mm/sec in .1 mm increments
Model | Durometer | Weight | Material | CLE-150L | Shore A and Asker C | 1000g | Normal and soft rubber | CLE-150H | Shore D | 5000g | Hard rubber and plastics | CLE-150M | Shore A, D and Asker C | 1000g/5000g | Hard rubber and plastics |
Model | Durometer | Weight | Material | CLE-150L | Shore A and Asker C | 1000g | Normal and soft rubber | CLE-150H | Shore D | 5000g | Hard rubber and plastics | CLE-150M | Shore A, D and Asker C | 1000g/5000g | Hard rubber and plastics |
相关型号 OS-1 OS-2 OS-3 0S-4