详细介绍:型号 | OS-1/ OS-1-E | 刻度 | A, B, C, D, DO, E, O, OO, and OOO | 标准 | ASTM D 2240 | 适配硬度计 | RX系列/AD-100系列/DD-100系列 | 用途 | 配套不同刻度的硬度计,减少人为操作失误,提高测量精度 适用于工厂现场和实验室 |
硬度计是测量物体硬度的仪器,表示材料抵抗硬物体压入其表面的能力。它是金属材料的重要性能指标之一。一般硬度越高,耐磨性越好。根据所测硬度单位:洛氏硬度计、维氏硬度计、显微硬度计、布氏硬度计、邵氏硬度计、巴氏硬度计、里氏硬度计、韦氏硬度计、肖氏硬度计、布洛维硬度。根据使用方式:便携式硬度计、台式硬度计。 进口硬度计,美国Check-Line OS-1硬度计底座,和不同刻度的硬度计配套使用,减少人为操作失误,提高测量精度,是工厂现场和实验室的不二之选。 The Check-Line OS-1 Operating Stand is the ideal tool for repetitive or lab-type testing for users who must test either very large specimens, or test in a number of different durometer scales. The OS-1 Operating Stand, used in conjunction with adurometer eliminates the operator error sometimes associated with shop floor durometer testing. The stand features a floating pin and includes the proper load weights required for testing in durometer scales (A, B, C, D, DO, E, O, OO, and OOO), as noted in ASTM D2240. The OS-1 includes (2) weights - the thin weight is used for the Type A, B, O (approx 1kg), the thin and thick weights are used together for Type D, C, DO (approx 5kg), and if you remove both weights you can do Types OO and OOO. The OS-1 can accommodate specimens varying in size from a 1/4: to 10 inches thick. (custom stands for testing larger specimens available) Checkline OS-1
Dimensions | 23" high x 8" wide | Sample Clearance | Height: 8 3/4" To Specimen Holder Depth: 4 3/8" Durometer Center To Shaft | Shipping Weight | 61 lbs |
订货型号 OS-1 Durometer Test Stand for use with RX Durometers OS-1-E OS-1-E Durometer Test Stand for use with for AD-100 or DD-100
相关型号 OS-2 OS-3 AD-100 DD-100
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