详细介绍:测量范围 | 最大100 Kg (220 lbs) | 测量材料尺寸 | 0.5mm up to 5 mm (0.020" - 0.200") | 测量误差 | <1% | 型号 | 136-3-SCF | 用途 | 适用于线切割加工机器、飞机、建筑、船舶等行业, 检测细拉锁,导线,电缆,钢丝绳锁,飞行器支撑电缆,架空电缆的张力 |
张力仪是测量丝网受到拉力作用时其内部与固定丝网接触体之间的相互牵引力大小的仪器。张力仪有机械式和电子式两种,测量张力的单位用牛顿/厘米表示。张力也可以用相对数值来表示。厘米张力仪就是用相对数值表示张力的一种,是通过张力仪自身重量使丝网下沉的深度的数值(毫米)来计算,张力数值可从指示盘上直接得到,或者从控制盘上间接得到。张力仪有手工操作和机械操作两种。张力仪是检验丝网印版质量的重要的检测仪器。为保证得到制版要求的张力,在绷网过程中或绷网后都要使用张力仪测量。 德国Honigmann专注于卷材张力检测和张力控制有超过60年历史,是世界最大张力测量仪表生产商。旗下热销产品有皮带张力计136-3-SCF适用于线切割加工机器、飞机、建筑、船舶等行业,检测细拉锁,导线,电缆,钢丝绳锁,飞行器支撑电缆,架空电缆的张力。 4 ranges available - Up to 100 Kg (220 lbs) Material Diameters - 0.5mm up to 5 mm (0.020" - 0.200") The Honigmann 136-3-SCF is especially-designed for use in Closed Force System (CFS) applications, where both ends of the material are fixed and there is no available "slack" in the line. This sensor is designed so the cable will pass under the 1st roller and over the center and last roller. This puts a very shallow break angle of the material of the center sensing roller minimizing the error caused by the presence of the tension sensor. With traditional 3-Roller systems where the material travels under/over the rollers in the illustration above, a significant error is generated by the presence of the tension sensor increasing the tension dramatically --- as soon as the sensor is installed. The unique design concept of Schmidt 136-3-SCF eliminates this problem and provides the only accurate means of measuring tension in these types of applications. The typical measuring error is less than 1%. The sensor 136-3-SCF for the first-time enables engineers and maintenance personnel the possibility to measure tension in closed force systems including:
Minimal sensor influence on the tension by utilizing the smallest deflection angle possible High accuracy and reproducibility Small angle of material bending, therefore" No damage of the material Very low additional tension during measurement
应用 Tension Measurement: Range of application:
订货型号 136-3-SCF
相关型号 D-485