欧陆温控表应用行业:工控,橡塑 EUROTHERM Temperature and Process Controllers:
欧陆控制器主要型号如下: Main Type:
3000系列: EUROTHERM 3000 Series Temperature and Process Controllers: 欧陆最新产品,除具有2000系列产品功能外,还具有快速启动、文字显示功能。 From the simplest needs......to powerful, advanced control;The 3000 Series controllers offer a host
of features that make the units easy to use and configure to save you time and money.
欧陆3508/3504高性能温度及过程控制器 PID、on/off、串联、比例、超驰控制及阀门控制,0.1%精度,8个专家处方,可自定义页面;带50组程序共200段给
定器。带多种功能块包括计时、计算、倒数、累加、逻辑运算、温度及碳势控制;支持Modbus, Profibus,
EUROTHERM 3508/3504 High Performance Temperature & Process Controller. PID, on/off, cascade, proportional, override and valve control; Accuracy better than 0.1%; Eight
recipes; User-defined page layout; Setpoint programmer with 200 segments over 50 programs. Providing a
range of application blocks including timer, calculation, reciprocal, add, logical operation,
temperature and carbon potential control. Support Modbus, Profibus, DeviceNet and Ethernet
欧陆2000系列温度及过程控制器: EUROTHERM 2000 Series Temperature and Process Controllers:
2404(08)(16),2604 series are all high precision temperature(carbon potential)