Material 材质
TestItem 测试项目
Plastic material (total) orRubber,
organic coating, wood with coating
Sensory test 整体感官测试
Overall migration in deionized water 全面迁移之去离子水浸取法
Overall migration in 3% acetic acid 全面迁移之3%醋酸浸取法
Overall migration in 10% ethanol 全面迁移之10%酒精浸取法
Overall migration in rectified olive oil or substitute of rectified olive oil 全面迁移之橄榄油或橄榄油替代物(95%乙醇和异辛烷)浸取法*
Full test of overall migration test 全面迁移全套测试
test for plastic lid and O-ring
Sensory test感官测试
Total phthalate总邻苯(推荐)
Specific migration of phthalate (water)邻苯特殊迁移之水浸取法(推荐)
Specific migration of phthalate (3% acid)邻苯特殊迁移之3%醋酸浸取法
Specific migration of phthalate (10% ethanol)邻苯特殊迁移之10%酒精浸取法
Specific migration of phthalate (substitute of olive oil)邻苯特殊迁移之橄榄油替代物(95%乙醇和异辛烷)浸取
Sensory test感官测试
Overall migration in deionized water 全面迁移之去离子水浸取法
Overall migration in 3% acetic acid 全面迁移之3%醋酸浸取法
Overall migration in 10% ethanol 全面迁移之10%酒精浸取法
Overall migration in substitute of rectified olive oil (95% ethanol and iso-octane) 全面迁移之橄榄油替代物(异辛烷+95%乙醇)浸取法
Peroxide value过氧化值
Total phthalate(optional) 总邻苯(推荐)
Specific migration of phthalate (water)邻苯特殊迁移之水浸取法 (推荐)
Specific migration of phthalate (3% acid)邻苯特殊迁移之3%醋酸浸取法
Specific migration of phthalate (10% ethanol)邻苯特殊迁移之10%酒精浸取法
Specific migration of phthalate (substitute of olive oil)邻苯特殊迁移之橄榄油替代物(95%乙醇和异辛烷)浸取法
Sensory test感官测试
Overall migration in deionized water 全面迁移之去离子水浸取法
Overall migration in 3% acetic acid 全面迁移之3%醋酸浸取法
Overall migration in 10% ethanol 全面迁移之10%酒精浸取法
Overall migration in substitute of rectified olive oil (95% ethanol and iso-octane) 全面迁移之橄榄油替代物(异辛烷+95%乙醇)浸取法
Specific migration of formaldehyde甲醛溶出量测试
Special Migration of Melamine in 3% acetic acid 密胺特殊迁移之3%醋酸浸取法
Sensory test感官测试
Overall migration in deionized water 全面迁移之去离子水浸取法
Overall migration in 3% acetic acid 全面迁移之3%醋酸浸取法
Overall migration in 10% ethanol 全面迁移之10%酒精浸取法
Overall migration in substitute of olive oil 全面迁移之橄榄油浸取法
Peroxide value 过氧化值测试 (只针对PE)
Total Chromium 铬含量测试
Total Vanadium 钒含量测试
Total Zirconium 锆含量测试
PS,ABS, SAN,Acrylic,Methary
Sensory test感官测试
Overall migration in deionized water 全面迁移之去离子水浸取法
Overall migration in 3% acetic acid 全面迁移之3%醋酸浸取法
Overall migration in 10% ethanol 全面迁移之10%酒精浸取法
Overall migration in substitute of olive oil 全面迁移之橄榄油浸取法
Peroxide value 过氧化值测试
Volatile organic matter (VOM) 有机挥发物总量
Sensory test 整体感官测试
Overall migration in 3% acetic acid 全面迁移之3%醋酸浸取法
Overall migration in 10% ethanol 全面迁移之10%酒精浸取法
Overall migration in substitute of olive oil 全面迁移之橄榄油浸取法
Peroxide value 过氧化值测试
Specific migration of aromatic amine 芳香胺迁移测试
Specific migration of Caprolactam (water) 己内酰胺特殊迁移之去离子水浸取法
Specific migration of Caprolactam (3% acetic acid) 己内酰胺特殊迁移之3%醋酸浸取法
Specific migration of Caprolactam (10% ethanol) 己内酰胺特殊迁移之10%乙醇浸取法
Specific migration of Caprolactam (olive oil /substitute) 己内酰胺特殊迁移之橄榄油或橄榄油替代物浸取法
Sensory test感官测试
Overall migration in deionized water 全面迁移之去离子水浸取法
Overall migration in 3% acetic acid 全面迁移之3%醋酸浸取法
Overall migration in 10% ethanol 全面迁移之10%酒精浸取法
Overall migration in substitute of olive oil 全面迁移之橄榄油浸取法
Special migration of Bisphenol A in Distilled water水中双酚A特殊迁移
Special migration of Bisphenol A in 3% acetic acid3%醋酸中双酚A特殊迁移
Special migration of Bisphenol A in Olive oil橄榄油中双酚A特殊迁移
Poly(threphthalic acid diol esters), PET
Sensory test感官测试-味道和气味对于与食品接触的整体产品
Overall migration in deionized water 全面迁移之去离子水浸取法
Overall migration in 3% acetic acid 全面迁移之3%醋酸浸取法
Overall migration in 10% ethanol 全面迁移之10%酒精浸取法
Overall migration in substitute of olive oil 全面迁移之橄榄油浸取法
Peroxide value 过氧化值测试
Total zinc content 锌含量测试
Total lead content 铅含量测试
Acetal resins(POM)
POM 塑料制品要求
Sensory test感官测试-味道和气味对于与食品接触的整体产品
Overall migration in deionized water 全面迁移之去离子水浸取法
Overall migration in 10% ethanol 全面迁移之10%酒精浸取法
Overall migration in substitute of olive oil 全面迁移之橄榄油浸取法
Total Zinc 总锌含量测试
Silicone rubber
Sensory test感官测试-味道和气味对于与食品接触的整体产品
extractable components in ethanol (Ethanol as compulsory simulant) (must perform)10%酒精萃取法 (必做)
Extractable component in deionized water 去离子水萃取法
Extractable component in 3% acetic acid 3%醋酸萃取法
Peroxide value 过氧化值测试
Volatile organic matter (VOM) 有机挥发物总量
Organotin content 有机锡化合物测试
Rubber, TPR, TPE
Sensory test 整体感官测试
Overall migration in deionized water 全面迁移之去离子水浸取法
Overall migration in 3% acetic acid 全面迁移之3%醋酸浸取法
Overall migration in 10% ethanol 全面迁移之10%酒精浸取法
Overall migration in rectified olive oil or substitute of rectified olive oil 全面迁移之橄榄油或橄榄油替代物(95%乙醇和异辛烷)浸取法*
Nitrosamine and nitrosatable substances亚硝胺和亚硝基物质含量
Organotin content 有机锡化合物测试
Specific migration of aromatic amine 芳香胺迁移测试
Extractable formaldehyde 甲醛溶出量测试
Total zinc content 锌含量测试
Total lead content 铅含量测试
Paper(not applicable for paper and board used in microwave oven)
Pentachlorophenol (PCP) 五氯苯酚测试
extractable heavy metal (not applicable for product in contact with dry food)
Formaldehyde 甲醛含量测试
Specific migration of DiBP in distilled water (optional) DiBP在蒸馏水中特殊迁移(推荐)
Specific migration of DiBP in 3% acetic acid (optional) DiBP在3%乙酸中特殊迁移(推荐)
Specific migration of DiBP in 10% ethanol (optional) DiBP在10%乙醇中特殊迁移(推荐)
Specific migration of DiBP e in 95% ethanol DiBP在95%乙醇中特殊迁移
Specific migration of DiBP n iso-octane DiBP在异辛烷中特殊迁移
Azo dyestuff(paper with colour )带颜色的纸制品 - 偶氮染料测试
Preserving effect 防腐效果
Extractable Glyoxal 乙二醛释出量测试
Baking paper
Extractable Formaldehyde in water水中甲醛溶出量测试
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)多氯联苯测试 (PCB18,PCB28,PCB52,PCB101,PCB153,PCB138,PCB180)
Appearance 外观
Thermal stability热稳定性
Preserving effect抗菌成分迁移测试
PU and TPU
Sensory test感官测试-味道和气味对于与食品接触的整体产品
Peroxide value 过氧化值测试
Specific migration of aromatic amine 芳香胺迁移测试
Total phthalate总邻苯(推荐)
Specific migration of phthalate (3% acid)邻苯特殊迁移之3%醋酸浸取法
Specific migration of phthalate (10% ethanol)邻苯特殊迁移之10%酒精浸取法
Specific migration of phthalate (substitute of olive oil)邻苯特殊迁移之橄榄油替代浸取法
Specific migration of phthalate (substitute of olive oil)邻苯特殊迁移之橄榄油替代)浸取法
Specific migration of isocyanates in 3% acetic acid or 10% ethanol异氰酸盐特殊迁移之3%乙酸和10%乙醇
Polymer coating for cooking purpose
Sensory test感官测试-味道和气味对于与食品接触的整体产品
Overall migration in deionized water 全面迁移之去离子水浸取法
Overall migration in 3% acetic acid 全面迁移之3%醋酸浸取法
Overall migration in 10% ethanol 全面迁移之10%酒精浸取法
Overall migration in rectified olive oil or substitute of rectified olive oil 全面迁移之橄榄油替代物(95%乙醇和异辛烷)浸取法*
Extractable phenol 苯酚萃取量测试
Extractable formaldehyde 甲醛溶出量测试
Extractable aromatic amine 芳香胺溶出量测试
Extractable chromium (VI) 六价铬溶出量测试
Extractable chromium (III) 三价铬溶出量测试
PFOS 全氟辛烷磺酸测试
Extractable PFOA in 3 % acetic acid PFOA在3%醋酸中萃取
Extractable PFOA in Olive oil PFOA在橄榄油中萃取
Sensory test感官测试-味道和气味对于与食品接触的整体产品
Pentachlorophenol (PCP) 五氯苯酚
Aromatic amine (optional test) 芳香胺(推荐)
Extractable Formaldehyde 甲醛释出量 (选作)
Glass and Enamel ware
Leachable Lead and Cadmium(DIN51032)与食品接触部分铅镉溶出量测试
Leachable Lead and Cadmium(lip and rim region )杯边附加铅镉溶出量测试 (针对杯边2cm内有花纹的样品) *
Extractable heavy metal(84/500/EEC)与食品接触部分铅镉溶出量测试
Leachable Lead and Cadmium(lip and rim region )杯边附加铅镉溶出量测试 (针对杯边2cm内有花纹的样品) *
Metal, Metal alloy and electroplated(exclude aluminum)
Sensory test感官测试-味道和气味对于与食品接触的整体产品
Extractable heavy metal (Pb, Cd, Cr, Ni, Cu, Sb, Co)in distilled water or in 3 % acetic acid 重金属溶出量(铅,镉,铬,镍,铜,钴,锑)测试
Al and Al alloy
Sensory test感官测试-味道和气味对于与食品接触的整体产品
Extractable heavy metal (Pb, Cd, Cr, Ni, Cu, Sb, Co)in distilled water or in 3 % acetic acid 重金属溶出
composition test (opitional) 成分分析(推荐)
Textile material
Sensory test感官测试-味道和气味对于与食品接触的整体产品
Colour fastness (for textile with color (i.e. not white)) 色牢度
Formaldehyde 甲醛
PCP, TeCP and TriCP
Chlorinated carriers
Disperse dye (for textile with color (i.e. not white)) 分散染料
Azo dyestuff (for textile with color (i.e. not white)) 偶氮染料
Activated carbon and Charcoal
sensory test 感官测试
PAH 多环芳香烃
Carbon black 碳黑
Metals and metalloids (AP (89) 1) 金属和非金属
Extractable PCBs content
PCB萃取量(PCB18, PCB28, PCB 52, PCB101, PCB 153, PCB 138, PCB180)
Specific aromatic amines 芳香胺特殊迁移
Specific aromatic amine (Benzidine, 2-naphthylamine,
4-aminodiphenyl) and sulphonated aromatic amines芳香胺和磺酸芳香胺
Vinylidene Chloride Copolymers with a Predominant Content of (PVDC)
Sensory test 整体感官测试
Overall migration in deionized water 全面迁移之去离子水浸取法
Overall migration in 3% acetic acid 全面迁移之3%醋酸浸取法
Overall migration in 10% ethanol 全面迁移之10%酒精浸取法
Overall migration in rectified olive oil or substitute of rectified olive oil 全面迁移之橄榄油替代物(95%乙醇和异辛烷)浸取法*
Peroxide value 过氧化值测试
Volatile organic matter (VOM) 有机挥发物总量
product in contact with mouth lip or mouth cavity directly eg. Toothbrush, drinking straw
Colour fastness to saliva唾液色牢度
product in prolonged contact with skin (over 1 hour upon usage) eg. Handle of food roller
产品会接触皮肤的把手 (使用超过一小时)
Colour fastness to perspiration汗液色牢度
metallic product in prolonged contact with skin (over 1 hour upon usage) eg. Handle of food roller
会接触皮肤的金属产品把手 (超过一小时)
Extractable nickel镍萃取
Dyed product in prolonged contact with skin (over 1 hour upon usage) eg. Table napkins染色产品会接触皮肤的延伸部分 (使用超过一小时)例如:餐巾
Azo dyestuff偶氮染料
vacuum thermal bulb used in water canister or water jar真空保温瓶