频率范围:30-512 MHz
构造:1P4T Reflective
阻抗:50 Ohms nominal
驻波比:1.3:1 maximum
插入损耗:0.55 dB maximum
隔离度:50 dB minimum
开关速度:60 microseconds
(50% TTL to 10% or 90% RF)
输入功率:125 Watts average (Cold switch)
500 Watts peak (1usec pulse)
20 Watts average (Hot switch)
控制逻辑:TTL "High" on control line corresponding
to port desired.
TTL "Low" on remaining three ports.
直流供电:+15 Vdc @ 550 mA nominal
+5 Vdc @ 100 mA nominal
射频连接器形式:SMA, N or TNC female
直流连接器形式:Solder Terminals
工作温度:-40℃ to +125℃
存储温度:-55℃ to +125℃