德国UTP- 690高速钢焊条UTP- 690高速钢焊条
特 性 Cr Mo W V 多元合金耐磨堆焊材料,堆焊金属具有较高的抗摩擦压力 冲击及高温性能,通过热处理可调整硬度至HRC60~64. Cr Mo w. v. multielement alloy wear-resistant overlaying welding materials and high pressure and high temperature performance impact friction, through the treatment can be adjusted to HRC60 ~ 64 hardness.
用 途 用于高速钢切割工具的修复制造,尤其是剪切刃口和工作面的堆焊,也可以在碳钢和低合金钢的母材上堆焊制成新工具. HSS cutting tools for repair, especially the shear blade and made the surfacing, also can be in the carbon steel and the low alloy steel base0n made new tools. #