霍克®Genesis NP系列阀控式密封铅酸蓄电池采用可靠的AGM技术生产,融合了霍克多年的蓄电池研究、生产经验,在蓄电池系统可靠性、安全性和高效性方面得到全面的提升,基于应用和环保的设计理念使NP系列电池在安装地点和安装方式上有了最大的灵活性,能够给系统集成商或者最终用户提供最优的解决方案,因此霍克®NP系列电池在全球范围的通信、电力、石化、冶金、金融中心、数据中心、地铁、会展展馆以及新能源等领域得到了广泛的应用。
Hawk & reg; genesis NP series valve controlled sealed lead-acid battery with reliable AGM technology production, integration of the Hawke years of battery research and production experience, comprehensive upgrade in the battery system reliability, safety and efficient, based on application and environmental protection design concept to NP series battery to be able to provide optimal solutions for system integrators and end users in the installation location and installation mode with maximum flexibility, so hawk & reg; NP series battery in the worldwide communication, electric power, petrochemical, metallurgy, financial center, the number of according to the center, subway, exhibition halls and new energy field has been widely used.