The MAX1488E quad, low-power line driver is designed for EIA/TIA-232, EIA/TIA-562, and CCITT V.28 communications in harsh environments. Each transmitter output is protected against ±15kV electrostatic discharge (ESD) shocks. The inputs are TTL and CMOS compatible with minimal loading. The outputs feature internally controlled slew-rate limiting and current limiting. This device has a guaranteed 120kbps data rate. Power-supply current is less than 180μA over a ±4.5V to ±13.2V supply voltage range.
The MAX1488E is pin compatible with the MC1488, MC14C88, SN75188, SN75C188, DS1488, and DS14C88. It is available in 14-pin plastic DIP and SO packages.
ESD Protection:
±15kV—Human Body Model
±6kV—IEC801-2, Contact Discharge
±15kV—IEC801-2, Air-Gap Discharge
Latchup Free, Even During an ESD Event
Low 85μA Supply Current from IEE or ICC
Guaranteed 120kbps Data Rate
No External Capacitors Required for Slew-Rate Limiting
Pin Compatible with MC1488, MC14C88, SN75188, SN75C188, DS1488, and DS14C88
符合IEC 1000-4-2 (早期的IEC 801-2)或±15kV ESD保护标准的设备