详细介绍: MGXTW
The fibers, 250µm, are positioned in a loose tube made of a high modulus plastic. The tubes are filled with a water-resistant filling compound. The tube is wrapped with a layer of PSP longitudinally. Between the PSP and the loose tube water-blocking material is applied to keep the cable compact and watertight. Two parallel steel wires are placed at the two sides of the steel tape. The cable is completed with a flame-retardant sheath.
Good mechanical and temperature performance
High strength loose tube that is hydrolysis resistant
Special tube filling compound ensure a critical protection of fiber
Special sheath material ensures excellent flame-retardant performance
Crush resistance and flexibility
PSP enhancing moisture-proof
Two parallel steel wires ensure tensile strength
Small diameter, light weight and friendly installation
Long delivery length
适用:管道、架空 Application: Duct / Aerial
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