Yaskawa CIMRPBA20P7T
Yaskawa CIMRPBU20P7T
Yaskawa CIMRPVC20P7
Yaskawa CIMRV7AM20P11
Yaskawa CIMRV7AM20P21
Yaskawa CIMRV7AM20P41
Yaskawa CIMRPVC20P7
Yaskawa CIMRV7AM20P11
Yaskawa CIMRV7AM20P21
Yaskawa CIMRV7AM20P41
Yaskawa CIMRV7AM20P71
Yaskawa CIMRV7AM21P51
Yaskawa CIMRV7AM22P21
Yaskawa CIMRV7AM23P71
Yaskawa CIMRV7AM25P51
Yaskawa CIMRV7AM27P51
Yaskawa CIMRV7AM40P21
Yaskawa CIMRV7AM40P41
Yaskawa CIMRV7AM40P71
Yaskawa CIMRV7AM41P51
Yaskawa CIMRV7AM42P21
Yaskawa CIMRV7AM43P71
Yaskawa CIMRV7AM45P51
Yaskawa CIMRV7AM47P51
Yaskawa CMPR-FD05B1B20
Yaskawa CMPR-FD05B1B23
Yaskawa CMPR-FD05B1B27
Yaskawa CMPR-FD05B1B28
Yaskawa CMPR-FD10B1B20
Yaskawa CMPR-FD10B1B23
Yaskawa CMPR-FD15B0B29
Yaskawa CMPR-FD20B1B19
Yaskawa CMPR-FD20B1B23
Yaskawa CMPR-FD30B1B26
Yaskawa CMPR-FD05B1B27
Yaskawa CMPR-FD05B1B28
Yaskawa CMPR-FD10B1B20
Yaskawa CMPR-FD10B1B23
Yaskawa CMPR-FD15B0B29
Yaskawa CMPR-FD20B1B23
Yaskawa CMPR-FD30B1B26
Yaskawa SGM-01VW
1C31129G03 Ovation Module 0-20mA Analog
Output Electronic Module w/ Diagnostics 31
1C31129G04 Ovation Module 0-20mA Analog
Output Electronic Module w/o Diagnostics 0
1C31132G01 Ovation Module Analog Outputs
Personality Module 38
1C31219G01 Ovation Module Relay Output
Logic Module 5
1C31224G01 Ovation Module Analog Input
4-20mA Module (EMOD) 51
1C31224G02 Ovation Module Analog Input 1V
Module (EMOD) 0
1C31227G01 Ovation Module Analog Input
Personality Module (PMOD) 51
1C31227G02 Ovation Module Analog Input
Personality Module (PMOD) 0
1C31232G03 Ovation Differential DI
120VAC/DC Differential E-Mod 1
1C31234G01 Ovation Module DI 48VDC On-Board
E-Mod Contact Module 0
1D54458G01 Keyboard WDPF Operator Keyboard
in Console Fixed cord 115VAC 5
1D54458G02 Keyboard WDPF Operator Keyboard
in Console Fixed cord 230VAC 5
3A59324G01 Chassis OPR MMI Chassis 4
3A59324G02 Chassis OPR MMI Chassis 4
3A59347G01 Q Crate
Q-Line Remote I/O card cage w/ 4256A99G02
BP &
1D54557G10 on cage side 1
3A59324G11 Chassis OPR MMI Chassis 1
3A59341G03 Interface Strip WDPF IIU Kit
(Interface Strip in VME chassis) 3
3A59351G11 Chassis OPR MMI Chassis 1
3A59526G12 Cable Green cable out CH0 on
front of VME SHC card 4
3A59527G12 Cable Yellow cable out CH1 on
front of VME SHC card 4
3A98608G03 PortVMESCSISerialPort Device 3
3A98641H02 Adapter 25pin serial female to
9pin male adapter 2
3A98643G03 Cable Ribon Cable to MRC card 5
3A98648G32 TAP Panel
Cluster TAP Panel w/ 2ea 5D32025G04
Ethernet TAP & 4ea
5D32024G01 RTP 3
3A98688G02 SCSI Cable SCSI Cable on front
of VME chassis 5
3A98688G03 SCSI Cable SCSI Cable on front
of VME chassis 2
3A98688G04 SCSI Cable SCSI Cable on front
of VME chassis 1
3A98720G18 Cable Green Cable out the front
of VME Sparc 6
3A98726G06 Cable Trackball Cable 2
3A98768G01 Switch Switch 22
3A98807G05 Cable Serial Model 25 pin Male 3