长期现货供应EVA 美国杜邦 420
EVA成型加工温度低(160-200℃),范围较宽,其模温低(20-45℃),该料在加工前要进行干燥(干燥温度65℃)。EVA加工时模温、料温不易过高,否则表面比较粗糙(不光滑)。EVA产品易粘前模,水口主流道冷料穴处要做成拉扣式较好。温度超过250℃易分解。EVA宜采用“低温、中压、中速”的工艺条件加工产品。 三,EVA共聚物中分子链上乙酸乙烯含量VA%和产品的熔体流动速率MFI不同,其物理、化学性能及加工性能也不同,因而可其广泛地应用于各种场合;
纳米注塑在2015年伴随着手机行业的爆发而爆发;虽然手机外壳的加工工艺出现了很多变化,除了全CNC加工,还出现了转向了双金属、全压铸、冲压+CNC,MIM粉末冶金,液态金属等,但是纳米注塑让大部分的外壳制程殊途同归。2015年曾在深圳,昆山两地举办纳米注塑的会议。参与企业制造商云集,大家共同讨论,为行业献言献策。2016年更加关注行业趋势,创新应用,因此包括小米陶瓷外壳,华为的P9外壳加工,以及Iphone 7的最新工艺均在讨论范畴。
Nano injection molding breaks out with the explosion of the mobile phone industry in 2015.There’re a lot of changes appeared in mobile phone shell processing technology. In addition to the CNC machining, there also appeared the steering bimetal, die-casting, stamping + CNC, MIM powder metallurgy, liquid-metal and so no. But Nano injection molding has made most of the shell manufacturing process reach the same goal by different means. Two Nano Injection conferences were held in Shenzhen, Kunshan in 2015. A handful of enterprises gathered together and joined in the discussion for offering some related suggestions to the industry. In 2016, we have paid more attention to the trend of the industry, innovative applications, the discussion category therefore includes the ceramic shell of MIUI, the shell processing of Huawei P9, and the newest technology of iPhone 7.