产品类型PCB TYpe:
埋盲孔 Blind and Buried vias
Back Board
厚铜箔 Thick copper
Characteristic lmpedance
局部硬金 Selective hard gold
plating 插头镀镍金 Gold finger plating
化学沉金 Chemical immersion
gold 丝印蓝胶
silkscreen peelable mask
Chemical immersion silver
热风整平 HASL
Flash(soft)gold over nickel 化学沉锡
Chemical immersion tin
丝印碳油 Carbon print 有机抗氧化膜 OSP
层数 Layers 1-20
板材 Base material FR4
线差/线距 Conductor width/space ≥0.1mm
最大加工面稹 水金板
Max Production Panel size Gold pcb 508mmX610mm
喷锡板 HAL PCB 460mmX610mm
成品板厚 水金板
Final Board thickness Gold PCB 0.4mm-3.5mm
喷锡板 HAL PCB 0.6mm-3.5mm
翘曲度 Bow and twist 0.7%
成品孔径 Hole diameter of
final product ≥0.25mm
成品孔径公差 Hole diameter
tolerance for final product ±0.05mm
外型尺寸公差 Profile tolerance ±0.10mm
阻焊桥宽度 Width of bridge with
sololer mask ≥0.08mm
阻焊塞孔能力 Solder mask plug via
size 0.3mm-0.8mm
厚铜板 Thick copper products 3-50z
孔内铜厚度 Hole wall copper ≥20μм