Infino PC+PET AE-2030 汽车外部零件用 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries
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传真 0769-82058794
Q Q 1762887032
Infino PC+PET AE-2030 汽车外部零件用 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries
Infino PC+PET AE-2130 颗粒料 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries
Infino PBT+ASA AR-5300H 玻璃纤维增强 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries
Infino PBT+PET AR-6508 玻璃纤维增强 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries
Infino PBT+PET ASF-9810F 高流动 矿物填料 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries
Infino ABS+PBT GP-3200G 20%玻纤增强 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries
Infino PBT GP-5000 颗粒料 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries
Infino PBT GP-5150GT 抗翘曲 15%玻纤增强 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries
Infino PBT GP-5300G 30%玻纤增强 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries
Infino PBT GP-5400G 40%玻纤增强 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries
Infino ABS+PBT VB-3100G 玻纤增强 阻燃V0 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries