产品价格:88 元(人民币) 上架日期:2014年1月3日 产地:德国 发货地:北京 (发货期:当天内发货) 供应数量:不限 最少起订:1个 浏览量:289 暂无相关下载 其他资料下载:
TOSHIBA东芝IPM模块MIG150Q6CMB1X 北京京诚宏泰科技原装正品供应
MIG150Q6CMB1X (1200V/150A 6in1)
High Power Switching Applications Motor Control Applications
北京京诚宏泰科技专业代理及经销品牌功率器件:英飞凌,赛米控,三菱,富士,东芝,三社,三垦,日立,日之出,因达,黑金刚,西门子,泰科,西玛,伟肯,ABB,IXYS,IR,eupec,等功率模块 GTR,IGBT,IPM,PIM,GTO,达林顿,大功率晶闸管,IGBT驱动,风机,ABB变频器备件,可控硅,整流桥,二极管,场效应及电解电容. 欢迎新老客户来电来函详谈.
Integrates inverter power circuits and control circuits (IGBT drive units, and units for protection against short-circuit current, overcurrent, undervoltage and overtemperature) into a single package. The electrodes are isolated from the case. Low thermal resistance VCE (sat) = 2.4 V (typ.) UL recognized: File No.E87989 Weight: 385 g (typ.)