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产品价格:面议   元(人民币)
发货地:福州  (发货期:当天内发货)






XBC Series

主单元 XBC-DR32H 4723003000 交流220V电源供应,继电器,I/O,16:16.

XBC-DR64H 4723003200 交流220V电源供应,继电器,I/O,32:32

XBC-DN32H 4723003100 交流220V电源供应,晶体管,I/O,16:16.

XBC-DN64H 4723003300 交流220V电源供应,晶体管,I/O,32:32

XGB Series

主单元 XBM-DR16S 4723000100 直流24V电源供应,8点直流24V输入,8点继电器输出

XBM-DN16S 4723000300 直流24V电源供应,8点直流24V输入,8点继晶体管输出,内置位置控制功能

XBM-DN32S 4723000200 直流24V电源供应,16点直流24V输入,16点继晶体管输出,内置位置控制

扩展I/O模块 XBE-DC08A 47230011 8点直流24V输入

XBE-DC08A 47230011W0 8点直流24V输入

XBE-DC16A 4723001000 16点直流24V输入

XBE-DC16A 47230010W0 16点直流24V输入

XBE-DC32A 4723000400 32点直流24V输入

XBE-DC32A 47230004W0 32点直流24V输入

XBE-RY08A 47230009 8点继电器输出

XBE-RY16A 4723000600 16点继电器输出

XBE-RY16A 47230006W0 16点继电器输出

XBE-TN08A 47230012 8点晶体管(NPN)输出

XBE-TN16A 47230013 16点晶体管(NPN)输出

XBE-TN32A 4723000500 32点晶体管(NPN)输出

XBE-DR16A 47230014 8点直流24V输入,8点继电器输出。

扩展特殊模块 XBF-AD04A 4723000700 4通道模拟量输入(电压/电流)

XBF-AD04A 47230007W0 4通道模拟量输入(电压/电流)

XBF-AD08A 4723005900 8通道模拟量输入(电压/电流)

XBF-AD08A 47230059W0 8通道模拟量输入(电压/电流)

XBF-DV04A 4723000800 4通道模拟量输入(电压)

XBF-DV04A 47230008W0 4通道模拟量输入(电压)

XBF-DC04A 4723001700 4通道模拟量输入(电流)

XBF-DC04A 47230017W0 4通道模拟量输入(电流)

XBF-TC04S 4723002900 4通道,热电偶模块

XBF-TC04S 47230029W0 4通道,热电偶模块

XBF-RD04A 47230018 4通道,热电阻模块

XBF-RD04A 47230018W0 4通道,热电阻模块

扩展通讯模块 XBL-C41A 4723001900 CNET(RS-422/485)I/F

XBL-C41A 47230019W0 CNET(RS-422/485)I/F

XBL-C21A 4723002800 CNET(RS-232)I/F

XBL-EMTA 4723002600 以太网 I/F

XBL-EMTA 47230026W0 以太网 I/F

位置控制模块 XBF-PD02A 4723005100 位置控制模块,2轴。

XBF-PD02A 47230051W0 位置控制模块,2轴。

SMART LINK SLP-T40P 47110001 40点I/O LINK端子板

SLP-RY4A 47110002 32点继电器输出板

SLP-CT101-XBM 47110040 XGB主要元与SMART LINK的连接电缆(I/O连接端子板),塑料型

C40HH-10SB-XBE 47110042SE 原SLP-CT101-XBE,47110042;32/64扩展I/O与SMART LINK的连接电缆(I/O连接端子板,继电器输出板)

C40HF-10PB-1B 47110030SE SLT-CT101-XG,47110030;

C40HF-15PB-1B 47110031SE SLT-CT151-XG,47110031;

R40H/20HH-10S-XBM3 47110047SE SLT-CT101-XBM,47110047;

SLP-CT101-XG 47110015 47110016,PLC,SLP-CT151-XG,=169.5400*1.17


SLP-CT301-XG 47110018 型号变更为C40HF-30PB-1

C40HF-30PB-1 47110018SE 原SLP-CT301-XG,47110018

编程电缆 PMC-310S 47010023 PC与PLC的边接电缆,9针(PC)-6针(PLC),软管型电缆

远程通讯 XPL-BSSA,EXP 4706013000

GPL-AV8C,EXP 4706012300

GPL-DV4C,EXP 4706012500


CPU模块 K3P-07AS 4664000100 CPU Max. 384 I/O points, Computer Link (RS232C)

K3P-07BS 4664000800 CPU Max. 384 I/O points, Computer Link (RS422C/485), PID, RTC

K3P-07CS 4664000900 CPU Max. 384 I/O points, Computer Link (RS422C), PID, HSC, RTC

电源模块 GM6-PDFA 4664004400 Inputs DC12~24V, Outputs DC5V 2A(For 开关 I/O Only)

GM6-PDFB 4664004600 Inputs DC12~24V, Outputs DC5V 3A, DC±15V 0.2A(For AD/DA)

GM6-PAFA 4664007400 Inputs AC 85~264V, Outputs DC5V 2A, DC24V 0.3A(For 开关 I/O Only)

GM6-PAFB 4664007500 Inputs AC 85~264V, Outputs DC5V 3A, DC±15V 0.2A(For AD/DA)

GM6-PAFC 4664004500 Inputs AC 85~264V, Outputs DC5V 3.5A, DC24V 0.3A(For 12 Slot D I/O)

主基板 GM6-B04M 4664003900 Base board, 4 slots for I/O Module

GM6-B06M 4664004000 Base board, 6 slots for I/O Module

GM6-B08M 4664004100 Base board, 8 slots for I/O Module

GM6-B12M 4664004200 Base board, 12 slots for I/O Module

输入模块 G6I-D21A 4664005300 DC Input 8 points(Current Sink/Source Type)

G6I-D22A 4664007600 DC Input 16 points(Current Sink/Source Type)

G6I-D24A 4664005200 DC Input 32 points(Current Sink/Source Type)

G6I-D22B 4664004700 DC Input 16 points(Current Source Type)

G6I-D24B 4664004800 DC Input 32 points(Current Source Type)

G6I-A11A 4664004900 AC 110V Input 8 Points Module

G6I-A21A 4664005000 AC 220V Input 8 Points Module

输出模块 G6Q-RY1A 4664006000 Relay Output 8 points(AC 240V, DC24V 2A)

G6Q-RY2A 4664005400 Relay Output 16 points(AC 240V, DC24V 2A)

G6Q-TR2A 4664005600 Tr.(NPN Type) Output 16 points(DC12/24V 0.5A)

G6Q-TR2B 4664005800 Tr.(PNP Type) Output 16 points(DC12/24V 0.5A)

G6Q-TR4A 4664005700 Tr.(NPN Type) Output 32 points(DC12/24V 0.1A)

G6Q-TR4B 4664005900 Tr.(PNP Type) Output 32 points(DC12/24V 0.1A)

G6Q-SS1A 4664005500 SSR(Current Sink Type) Output 8 points(AC 100~240V 1A)

特殊模块 G6F-AD2A 4664006200 Analog Input 4 Channels, DC1~5V, DC0~10V, DC-10~+10V, DC4~20mA

G6F-DA2V 4664006300 Analog Output 4 Channels, DC-10~+10V

G6F-DA2I 4664006400 Analog Output 4 Channels, DC4~20mA

G6F-HSCA 4664006500 High Speed Count Module, 1 Channel

G6F-HD1A 4664008100 High Speed Count Module, 2 Channel 500kpps,Line Drive Type

G6F-HO1A(停产?) 4664008000 High Speed Count Module, 2 Channel 200kpps,Open Collector Type

G6F-HO1C 4664010800 High Speed Count Module, 2 Channel 200kpps,Open Collector Type

G6F-POPA 4664006600 Position Module, 2 axis, Pulse Output, Max. 200Kpps

G6F-PP1D 4664008200 Position Module, 1 axis, Line Drive type Output

G6F-PP2D 4664008300 Position Module, 2 axis, Line Drive type Output

G6F-PP3D 4664008400 Position Module, 3 axis, Line Drive type Output

G6F-PP1O 4664008500 Position Module, 1 axis, Open Collector type Output

G6F-PP2O 4664008600 Position Module, 2 axis, Open Collector type Output

G6F-PP3O 4664008700 Position Module, 3 axis, Open Collector type Output

G6F-TC2A 4664007700 Thermocouple Input Module, 4Channel

通讯模块 G6L-CUEB 4664006800 Computer Communication(RS-232C 1 channel)

G6L-CUEC 4664006900 Computer Communication(RS-422 1 channel)

G6L-PUEA 4664007200 Profibus-DP Master(1K)

G6L-RUEA 4664007900 R-Net Master, 1Mbps

G6L-DUEA Device Net Master, 500Kbps

G6L-EUTB 4664009800 E-Net(Open Type), UTP

G6L-EUFB E-Net(Open Type), Fiber Optic

G6L-EUTC E-Net(Master), UTP

G6L-EUFC E-Net(Master), Fiber Optic

G6L-ERTC E-Net(Slave), UTP

G6L-ERFC E-Net(Slave), Fiber Optic

G6L-FUEA 4664006700 Fieldbus(F-net) Module, 1Mbps(Mounted on I/O slot)

G6L-RBEA 4664003500 Fieldbus(F-net) Module, 1Mbps(Mounted on CPU slot)

占空模块 GM6-DMMA 4664005100 Dummy Module for Empty I/O Slots

K300S (模块型)

CPU模块 K4P-15AS 4631001900 CPU Module, 程序用量 15 K steps, Max. 1,024 I/O(版本3.0以上)

电源模块 GM4-PA1A 4631007300 Power Supply Module, AC 85~132V Inputs, DC5V 4A, DC24V 0.7A

GM4-PA2A 4631007700 Power Supply Module, AC 170~264V Inputs, DC5V 4A, DC24V 0.7A

主基板 GM4-B04M 4631006600 Base board, 4 slots for I/O Module

GM4-B06M 4631006800 Base board, 6 slots for I/O Module

GM4-B08M 4631007000 Base board, 8 slots for I/O Module

GM4-B12M 4631007100 Base board, 12 slots for I/O Module

扩展基板 GM4-B04E 4631006500 Base board(for Expansion), 4 slots for I/O Module

GM4-B06E 4631006700 Base board(for Expansion), 6 slots for I/O Module

GM4-B08E 4631006900 Base board(for Expansion), 8 slots for I/O Module

存储卡 G4M-M032 4631007200 Memoty pack for Back-up, 32 K steps

扩展电缆 G4C-E041 4631011700 Expansion cable(0.4m) between Master and Expansion Base

G4C-E121 4631011800 Expansion cable(1.2m) between Master and Expansion Base

G4C-E301 4631011900 Expansion cable(3.0m) between Master and Expansion Base

输入模块 G4I-D22A 4631008200 DC Input 16 points(Current Sink/Source Type)

G4I-D24A 4631008800 DC Input 32 points(Current Sink/Source Type)

G4I-D28A 4631008700 DC Input 64 points, (Current Sink/Source Type)

G4I-D22B 4631008300 DC Input 16 points(Current Source Type)

G4I-D24B 4631008400 DC Input 32 points(Current Source Type)

G4I-A12A 4631008000 AC 110V Input 16 points

G4I-A22A 4631008100 AC 220V Input 16 points

输出模块 G4Q-RY2A 4631008900 Relay Output 16 points(AC 240V, DC24V 2A)

G4Q-TR2A 4631009100 Tr.(NPN Type) Output 16 points(DC12/24V 0.5A)

G4Q-TR4A 4631009200 Tr.(NPN Type) Output 32 points(DC12/24V 0.1A)

G4Q-TR8A 4631009600 Tr.(NPN Type) Output 64 points(DC12/24V 0.2A)

G4Q-TR2B 4631009400 Tr.(PNP Type) Output 16 points(DC12/24V 0.5A)

G4Q-TR4B 4631009500 Tr.(PNP Type) Output 32 points(DC12/24V 0.1A)

G4Q-SS2A 4631009000 SSR(NPN Type) Output 16 points(AC 100~240V 1A)

G4Q-SS2B 4631009300 SSR(PNP Type) Output 16 points(AC 100~240V 1A)

混合模块 G4H-DR2A 4631008500 Hybrid I/O , DC24V Input 8点, RELAY Output 8点

G4H-DT2A 4631008600 Hybrid I/O , DC24V Input 8点, TRANSISTOR Output 8点

特殊模块 G4F-INTA 4631007900 DC Interrupt(中断) Input 8 points

G4F-AD2A 4631009700 Analog Input 4 Channels, DC±10V, DC±5, DC±20mA

G4F-AD3A 4631010200 Analog Input 8 Channels, DC1~5V, DC4~20mA, DC0~10V

G4F-DA1A 4631009900 Analog Output 2 Channels, DC±10V, DC4~20mA

G4F-DA3V 4631010300 Analog Output 8 Channels, DC-10~+10V

G4F-DA2V 4631010400 Analog Output 4 Channels, DC-10~+10V

G4F-DA3I 4631010500 Analog Output 8 Channels, DC4~20mA

G4F-DA2I 4631010600 Analog Output 4 Channels, DC4~20mA

G4F-TC2A 4631010100 Thermocouple Input, 4 Channels(Type : K, J, E, T, B, R, S)

G4F-RD2A 4631010000 Resistive Temperature Detectors, 4路, 3线(范围 : -200~600℃)

G4F-AT3A 4631009800 Analog Timer, 8 points(On-delay Operation)

G4F-PIDB 4631012400 PID Module, Max. 16 Loops, Forward/Reverse Conversion available

G4F-HSCA 4631012000 High Speed Count Module, 1 Channel(Range : 0~16,777,215)

G4F-HD1A 4631013400 High Speed Count Module, 2 Channel 500kpps,Line Drive Type

G4F-HO1A 4631013300 High Speed Count Module, 2 Channel 200kpps,Open Collector Type

G4F-PP1D 4631012900 Position Module, 1 axis, Line Drive type Output

G4F-PP2D 4631013000 Position Module, 2 axis, Line Drive type Output

G4F-PP3D Position Module, 3 axis, Line Drive type Output

G4F-PP1O 4631012600 Position Module, 1 axis, Open Collector type Output

G4F-PP2O 4631012700 Position Module, 2 axis, Open Collector type Output

G4F-PP3O 4631012800 Position Module, 3 axis, Open Collector type Output

通讯模块 G4L-CUEA 4631011200 Computer Communication(RS232C/485 each 1 channel)

G4L-PUEB 4631011600 Profibus-DP Master(7K)

G4L-RUEA 4631016000 R-Net Master, 1Mbps

G4L-DUEA 4631011300 Device Net Master, 500Kbps

G4L-EUTB 4631014500 E-Net(Open Type), UTP

G4L-EUFB E-Net(Open Type), Fiber Optic

G4L-EU5B E-Net(Open Type), AUI

G4L-EUTC E-Net(Master), UTP

G4L-EUFC E-Net(Master), Fiber Optic

G4L-EU5C E-Net(Master), AUI

G4L-ERTC E-Net(Slave), UTP

G4L-ERFC E-Net(Slave), Fiber Optic

G4L-ER5C E-Net(Slave), AUI

G4L-FUEA 4631011000 Fieldbus(F-net) Master Module, 1Mbps(Mounted on I/O slot)

G4L-RBEA 4631011100 Fieldbus(F-net) Remote Module, 1Mbps(Mounted on CPU slot)

占空模块 GM4-DMMA 4631012300 Dummy module for Empty I/O Slots

K1000S (模块型)

CPU模块 K7P-30AS 4630000100 CPU Module, Max. I/O 2,048 points, Memory 64 ksteps

电源模块 GM3-PA1A 4630005800 Input Power AC 110V, Output DC 5V:6A, DC 24V:1.5A

GM3-PA2A 4630005900 Input Power AC 220V, Output DC 5V:6A, DC 24V:1.5A

主基板 GM3-B04M 4630005200 Main Base, 4 slot

GM3-B06M 4630005400 Main Base, 6 slot

GM3-B08M 4630005600 Main Base, 8 slot

扩展基板 GM3-B04E 4630005100 Expansion Base, 4 slot

GM3-B06E 4630005300 Expansion Base, 6 slot

GM3-B08E 4630005500 Expansion Base, 8 slot

扩展电缆 G3C-E061 4630011500 Cable between Main and Expansion Baes (0.6m)

G3C-E121 4630011600 Cable between Main and Expansion Base (1.2m)

G3C-E301 4630011700 Cable between Main and Expansion Base (3.0m)

存储卡 G3M-M064 4630005700 Memory Capacity 64 kstep

输入模块 G3I-D22A 4630006700 DC Input 16 points, (Sink/Source)

G3I-D24A 4630006800 DC Input 32 points, (Sink/Source)

G3I-D28A 4630006900 DC Input 64 points, (Sink/Source)

G3I-A12A 4630006300 AC 110V Input 16 points

G3I-A22A 4630006500 AC 220V Input 16 points

G3I-D22C DC Input 16 points (Independent Point, Source)

G3I-A14A 4630006400 AC 110V Input 32 points

G3I-A24A 4630006600 AC 220V Input 32 points

输出模块 G3Q-RY2A 4630007800 Relay Output 16 points (2A)

G3Q-SS2A 4630008000 SSR Output 16 poins (2A)

G3Q-TR2A 4630008200 TR Output 16 poins (2A)

G3Q-RY4A 4630007900 Relay Output 32 points (2A)

G3Q-SS4A 4630008100 SSR Output 32 points (1A)

G3Q-TR4A 4630008300 Transistor Output 32 points (0.5A, Sink)

G3Q-TR4B 4630009300 Transistor Output 32 points (0.5A, Source)

G3Q-TR8A 4630008400 Transistor Output 64 points (0.1A, Sink)

G3Q-TR8B 4630009200 Transistor Output 64 points (0.1A, Source)

中断模块 G3F-INTA 4630004200 Interrupt Module,  16 Channels

模拟量模块 G3F-AD3A 4630004700 Analog Input DC 1~5V / 0~10V / 4~20mA, 8 channels

G3F-AD4A 4630004300 Analog Input DC -5~ 5V / -10~ 10V / -20~ 20mA, 16 channels

G3F-AD4B 4630009600 Analog Input DC 1~5V / 0~10V / 4~20mA, 16 channels

G3F-DA3V 46300097 Analog Voltage Output ( DC 0~+10V), 8 channels

G3F-DA3I Analog Current Output ( DC 4~20mA), 8 channels

G3F-DA4V 4630004500 Analog Voltage Output ( DC-5~+5 / -10~10V), 16 channels

G3F-DA4I 4630004400 Analog Current Output ( DC 4~20mA), 16 channels

特殊模块 G3F-AT4A 4630009400 Analog Timer Module, 16 Analog Timers, 设定:0.1~1/1~10/10~60/60~600S

G3F-PIDA 4630012000

G3F-PIDB PID Control Module, Max. 32 Loop Control

G3F-HSCA 4630011900 High Speed Counter, 2路, 0~16,777,215 ( 50kHz, Binary 24bits)

G3F-LPCA 4Channels Loop Processing Control Module

G3F-POPA 4630010000

G3F-TC4A 4630009500 Thermocouple Input, 16 Channel (K,J,E,T,B,R,S)

G3F-RD3A 4630004600 Resistive Temperature Detectors, 8 channel

通讯模块 G3L-CUEA 4630010700 Computer Link Module (RS-232C/RS-485 each 1 Channel)

G3L-PUEA 46300113 Profibus-DP Master(1K)

G3L-PUEB Profibus-DP Master(7K)

G3L-RUEA R-Net Master, 1Mbps

G3L-DUEA Device Net Master, 500Kbps

G3L-EUTB 4630012900 E-Net(Open Type), UTP

G3L-EUFB E-Net(Open Type), Fiber Optic

G3L-EU5B E-Net(Open Type), AUI

G3L-EUTC E-Net(Master), UTP

G3L-EUFC E-Net(Master), Fiber Optic

G3L-EU5C E-Net(Master), AUI

G3L-ERTC E-Net(Slave), UTP

G3L-ERFC E-Net(Slave), Fiber Optic

G3L-ER5C E-Net(Slave), AUI

G3L-FUEA 4630010300 Fnet Interface Module 1Mbps (Twisted Pair Cable)

G3L-RBEA 4630010500 Fnet Remote I/O Module 1Mbps (Twisted Pair Cable)

G3L-FUOA 4630010400 Fnet Interface Module 1Mbps (Fiber Optic Cable)

G3L-RBOA 4630010600 Fnet Remote I/O Module 1Mbps (Fiber Optic Cable)

占空模块 GM3-DMMA 4630012200 Dummy module for Empty I/O Slots


CPU模块 XGI-CPUS 4721000500

XGK-CPUH 4720003200 CPU Module(0.028μs), Max. I/O 6,144 points, Memory 64 ksteps

XGK-CPUS 4720003300 CPU Module(0.084μs), Max. I/O 3,072 points, Memory 32 ksteps

XGK-CPUE 4720007100 CPU Module

XGK-CPUA 4720007200 CPU Module

电源模块 XGP-ACF1 4720004700 Input Power Free Voltage, Output DC 5V:3A, DC 24V:0.6A

XGP-ACF2 4720004800 Input Power Free Voltage, Output DC 5V:6A

XGP-AC23 4720006400 Input Power AC 220V, Output DC 5V: 8.5A

XGP-DC42 4720006500 Input Power DC 24V, Output DC 5V:6A

主基板 XGB-M04A 4720002700 Base board, 4 slots for I/O Module

XGB-M06A 4720002600 Base board, 6 slots for I/O Module

XGB-M08A 4720002500 Base board, 8 slots for I/O Module

XGB-M12A 4720002400 Base board, 12 slots for I/O Module

扩展基板 XGB-E04A 4720003100 Base board(for Expansion), 4 slots for I/O Module

XGB-E06A 4720003000 Base board(for Expansion), 6 slots for I/O Module

XGB-E08A 4720002900 Base board(for Expansion), 8 slots for I/O Module

XGB-E12A 4720002800 Base board(for Expansion), 12 slots for I/O Module

扩展电缆 XGC-E041 4720004900 Cable between Main and Expansion Base (0.4m)

XGC-E061 4720005000 Cable between Main and Expansion Base (0.6m)

XGC-E121 4720005100 Cable between Main and Expansion Base (1.2m)

XGC-E301 4720005200 Cable between Main and Expansion Base (3.0m)

XGC-E501 4720005300 Cable between Main and Expansion Base (5.0m)

XGC-E102 4720005400 Cable between Main and Expansion Base (10m)

XGC-E152 4720005500 Cable between Main and Expansion Base (15m)

扩展接头 XGT-TERA 4720006600 Expansion Terminator(基板终端电组)

输入模块 XGI-D21A 4720002300 DC 24V Input 8 points, (Sink/Source)

XGI-D22A 4720001100 DC 24V Input 16 points, (Sink/Source)

XGI-D22B 4720001200 DC 24V Input 16 points, (Source)

XGI-D24A 4720001900 DC 24V Input 32 points, (Sink/Source)

XGI-D24B 4720002000 DC 24V Input 32 points, (Source)

XGI-D28A 4720005600 DC 24V Input 64 points, (Sink/Source)

XGI-D28B 4720005700 DC 24V Input 64 points, (Source)

XGI-A12A 4720001400 AC 110V Input 16 points

XGI-A21A 4720001500 AC Free Voltage Input 8 points

输出模块 XGQ-RY1A 4720002200 Relay Output 8 points

XGQ-RY2A 4720001500 Relay Output 16 points

XGQ-RY2B 4720001600 Relay Output 16 points(Surge Killer:Varister, CR Absorber)

XGQ-TR2A 4720001700 Tr.(NPN Type) Output 16 points(DC12/24V 0.5A)

XGQ-TR2B 4720006100 Tr.(PNP Type) Output 16 points(DC12/24V 0.5A)

XGQ-TR4A 4720002100 Tr.(NPN Type) Output 32 points(DC12/24V 0.1A)

XGQ-TR4B 4720006200 Tr.(PNP Type) Output 32 points(DC12/24V 0.1A)

XGQ-TR8A 4720005800 Tr.(NPN Type) Output 64 points(DC12/24V 0.1A)

XGQ-TR8B 4720006300 Tr.(PNP Type) Output 64 points(DC12/24V 0.1A)

XGQ-SS2A 4720001800 SSR(Current Sink Type) Output 16 points(AC 110/220V 0.6A)

混合模块 XGH-DT4A 4720006000 Hybrid I/O , DC24V Input 16 Points, Tr. Output 16Points

模拟量模块 XGF-AV8A 4720003400 Analog Input 8 Channels, DC1~5V, 0~5V, DC0~10V, -10~10V

XGF-AC8A 4720003500 Analog Input 8 Channels, DC4~20mA, 0~20mA

XGF-AD4S Analog Input 4 Channels, DC1~5V,0~5V,0~10V,-10~10V,4~20mA,0~20mA

XGF-AD8A 4720008200 模拟量输入模块,8点

XGF-DV4A 4720003600 Analog Output 4 Channels, DC1~5V, 0~5V, 0~10V, -10~+10V

XGF-DV4S Analog Output 4 Channels, DC1~5V, 0~5V, 0~10V, -10~+10V(Insulation)

XGF-DC4A 4720003700 Analog Output 4 Channels, DC4~20mA, 0~20mA

XGF-DC4S Analog Output 4 Channels, DC4~20mA, 0~20mA(Insulation)

特殊模块 XGF-TC4S 4720007900 Thermocouple Input, 4 Channels(Type : K, J, E, T, B, R, S, N, C)

XGF-RD4A 4720006800 Resistive Temperature Detectors, 4Channels (Pt100, Jpt100)

XGF-RD4S Resistive Temperature Detectors, 4Channels (Pt100, Jpt100-Insulation)

XGF-HO2A 4720003800 High Speed Count Module, 2 Channel 200kpps,Open Collector Type

XGF-HD2A 4720003900 High Speed Count Module, 2 Channel 500kpps,Line Drive Type

XGF-PO1A 4720004500 Position Module, 1 axis, Open Collector type Output

XGF-PO2A 4720004300 Position Module, 2 axis, Open Collector type Output

XGF-PO3A 4720004000 Position Module, 3 axis, Open Collector type Output

XGF-PD1A 4720004600 Position Module, 1 axis, Line Drive type Output

XGF-PD2A 4720004400 Position Module, 2 axis, Line Drive type Output

XGF-PD3A 4720004100 Position Module, 3 axis, Line Drive type Output

XGF-M16M 4720006700 Motion Control, Mechatrolink-Ⅱ 16-axis, speed 10Mbps)

通讯模块 XGL-CH2A 4720000300 RS-232C/422 (Each 1 channel)

XGL-C22A 4720000200 RS-232C 2 Channels

XGL-C42A 4720000400 RS-422 2 Channels

XGL-EFMF 4720001000 Fast Ethernet(Fenet, Optical Cable)

XGL-EFMT 4720000900 Fast Ethernet(Fenet, Coaxial Cable)

XGL-EDMF 4720000800 Fast Ethernet(FDEnet, Optical Cable)

XGL-EDMT 4720000700 Fast Ethernet(FDEnet, Coaxial Cable)

XGL-RMEA 4720000600 R-Net Master, 1Mbps

XGL-DMEA 4720000500 Device Net (Speed Max.500Kbps / Distance: Max.500m)

XGL-PMEA 4720000100 Profibus-DP (Speed Max. 12Mbps /  Distance: 1,200m)

占空模块 XGT-DMMA 4720005900 Dummy module for Empty I/O Slots

软件 XG5000 Program Editing & Engineering Software

XG-PD Network Setting & Monitoring & Diagnosis Tool

APM Package Positioning Parameter/Data Setting & Monitoring Tool

SMART I/O ( 远程控制开关输入输出单元)

R-Net通讯 GRL-D22A 4706000100 DC 24V Input 16 points, (Sink/Source)

GRL-D24A(N) 4706000233 DC 24V Input 32 points, (Sink/Source)

GRL-TR2A 4706000300 TR Output 16 poins (2A)

GRL-TR4A 4706000400 TR Output 32 poins (2A)

GRL-RY2A(N) 4706000533 Relay Output 16 points

GRL-DT4A(N) 4706000633 DC 24V 16点输入 / TR(晶体管) 16点输出

Profibus通讯 GPL-D22A 4706000700 DC 24V Input 16 points, (Sink/Source)

GPL-D24A 4706000900 DC 24V Input 32 points, (Sink/Source)

GPL-TR2A 4706000800 TR Output 16 poins (2A)

GPL-TR4A 4706001000 TR Output 32 poins (2A)

GPL-TR4B 4706005800 TR Output 32 poins (2A)

GPL-RY2A 4706001100 Relay Output 16 points

GPL-DT4A 4706001200 DC 24V 16点输入 / TR(晶体管NPN) 16点输出

GPL-DT4B 4706006000 DC 24V 16点输入 / TR(晶体管PNP) 16点输出

Modbus通讯 GSL-D22A 4706001300 DC 24V Input 16 points, (Sink/Source)

GSL-D24A 4706001400 DC 24V Input 32 points, (Sink/Source)

GSL-TR2A 4706001500 TR Output 16 poins (2A)

GSL-TR4A 4706001600 TR Output 32 poins (2A)

GSL-RY2A 4706001700 Relay Output 16 points

GSL-DT4A 4706001800 DC 24V 16点输入 / TR(晶体管) 16点输出


手持编程器 KLD-150S 4663000100 Hand-held Program Loader with cable(内含1.5m编程电缆)

附件 KLC-15A 4669000400 RS232C Cable (1.5M)

K1C-50A 4667000100 RS232C Cable ( 5M )

KGL-Win Softaware Package, Win 95 Version

KGL-WIN 说明书 KGL-WIN Software User Manual with chinese Programming S/W package

人机界面(PMU 系列) [Made In Wuxi]

XGT Panel XP10BKA/DC 46990004W0 文本显示微型人机界面

XP10BKB/DC 46990005W0 文本显示微型人机界面(带RTC时钟功能)



现已停产" PMU-330BT 470300149M LCD Mono Touch Screen, Blue单色, 5.7"

PMU-330BTE 470300269M LCD Mono Touch Screen, Blue单色, 5.7"

PMU-330ST 470300119M STN 256 Color Touch Screen, 5.7"

PMU-330TT 470300129M TFT 256 Color Touch Screen, 5.7"

PMU-530ST 470300139M STN 256 Color Touch Screen, 7.5"

PUM-530TT 470100249M TFT 256 Color Touch Screen, 7.5"

PMU-530TTS 470300279M TFT 256 Color Touch Screen, 7.5"

PMU-730ST 470500119M STN 256 Color Touch Screen, 10.4"

PMU-730STS 470500339M STN 256 Color Touch Screen, 10.4"

PMU-730TT 470500129M TFT 256 Color Touch Screen, 10.4"

PMU-830TT 470500139M TFT 256 Color Touch Screen, 12.1"

PMU-Editor Screen Editor Manual with Software Package.

HMI,XP系列 XP30-BTE,CHINA 486000179M LCD Mono Touch Screen, Blue单色, 5.7",经济型

XP30-BTA,CHINA 486000019M LCD Mono Touch Screen, Blue单色, 5.7"

XP30-TTE,CHINA 4860002900 TFT 6500 Color Touch Screen, 5.7",经济型

XP30-TTA,CHINA 486000029M TFT 6500 Color Touch Screen, 5.7"

XP50-TTA,CHINA 486000039M TFT 6500 Color Touch Screen, 8.4"

XP70-TTA,CHINA 486000049M TFT 6500 Color Touch Screen, 10.4"

XP80-TTA/AC,CHINA 486000069M TFT 6500 Color Touch Screen, 12.1"

XP90-TTA/AC,CHINA 486000239M TFT 6500 Color Touch Screen, 15"

HMI-ODM系列 XP1000C-T 48600040W0  7寸真彩

XP2000C-TE 48600041W0  10寸真彩,标配以太网通讯功能

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