砂仁(拉丁学名:Amomum villosum),姜科豆蔻属植物。其喜热带南亚热带季雨林温暖湿润气候,不耐寒,分布于中国福建、广东、广西和云南。
Amomum villosum (Latin scientific name: Amomum villosum) is a plant of Cardamom in Zingiberaceae. It likes the warm and humid climate in tropical and subtropical monsoon forest, and is not cold-tolerant. It is distributed in China, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi and Yunnan.Amomum villosum (Latin scientific name: Amomum villosum) is a plant of Cardamom in Zingiberaceae. It likes the warm and humid climate in tropical and subtropical monsoon forest, and is not cold-tolerant. It is distributed in China, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi and Yunnan.