奥地利 K&N(KRAUS & NAIMER)考尔斯和蓝默尔集团在1907年成立于奥地利的维也纳,公司创始人是法兰兹·考尔斯和罗伦兹·蓝默尔,其制造的产品被冠以著名的“蓝系列”商标。 目前集团拥有六家工厂:奥地利K&N、美国K&N、德国K&N、新西兰K&N、巴西K&N、爱尔兰K&N。 转换开关,接触器和马达启动器的发展,是基于考尔斯和蓝默尔在设计及生产电器开关超过七十五年的经验,考尔斯和蓝默尔率先引进这种凸轮操作开关,并逐渐被人们所认识,成为了世界上生产这类开关的先驱。 常见型号: CG4 CG4-1 CA10 CA10B CA11 CA11B CA20 CA20B CH10 CH20 CH11 C26 C32 C42 C43 C80 C125 C316 C315 L350 L351 L400 L600 L630 L631 L800 L1000 L1001 L1200 L1250 L1251 L1600 L2000 CAD11 CAD12 KG10B KG20B KG32B KG41B KG64B KG80 KG80C KG100 KG100C KG10A KG20A KG32A
KRAUS&NAIMER公司开创了许多新的发展。 二十年代末,就已经开始使用的新材料“电木”。 后来被称为新的“电木开关”,并在业内所接受。早在1949年推出第一个模块化设计的凸轮开关和技术革命性的开关,其特点影响所有后续的设计。 经过多年的发展已演变为凸轮开关的无可争议的市场领导者,并建立了隔离开关的标准。基于多项专利,现有的产品线涵盖全球市场,并提供技术上和经济上的优化解决方案,解决每一个应用程序。
The C-Series switches represent the classic cam switch by Kraus & Naimer. With specific models for all current ratings they offer an ideal solution for a wide variety of applications. The CA-Series with fingerproof terminals from 10 A to 32 A is ideally suited for many standard applications where industrial controls, instrumentation and electric motors are involved. For low-voltage applications down to switching of electronic signals the CA4 and CA4-1 are offered. The CA4-1 has gold-plated contacts and guarantees reliable switching, even under adverse, aggressive environmental conditions. Fingerproof terminals, accessible either horizontally or vertically, captive plus-minus screws and integrated screwdriver guides designed for the use of motorized screwdrivers are some clear practical advantages of the CA-Series. Insulation stripping or preparation of the conductor is no longer required if switches of the CL-Series with Insulation Displacement Connection (IDC) are used. The time required for loosening the terminal screws, stripping, preparing of the conductors and tightening of the terminal screws again can be saved. The terminals of this switch series are stainless and acid resistant. The switches of the L-Series from 350 A to 2400 A are continuous current rated for off-load switching. They are designed for switching of resistive or low-inductive loads. The C-, CA-, CAD-series provide screwdriver access from the side. Basically the C-, CA-, CAD-series are designed for vertical wiring. Horizontal wiring is available for mountings E, EF, E22, FS., FT., VE, VE22, VF, VF22. See Mounting Diagrams for details. CA10 4-pole ON/OFF-switch L350 1-pole ON/OFF-switch Declaration of Conformity CA4-C318 CA40-CA63 CAD11-CAD12B CH11-CHR12R CL4, CL10 L350-L1251 (size S2) L400-L1200 (size S3) L1600, L2000 Switch disconnectors: CA10-C318 L400, L600