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从统计数据中显示,我国旧机电进口呈现不断增加的趋势。根据公开报道,全球再制造产业平均增长率10%以上,我国上海利用国内先进制造业发展高地优势和试验自贸区的机遇,2016年上海全市再制造产值约40亿元(人民币),同比增长7%。在航空发动机零部件、计算机和通讯设备、工程机械、汽车发动机等领域的再制造,处于中国优秀水平。 随着我国维修再制造产业发展,配合国家宏观产业政策的调整,促进循环经济发展,质检总局不断在实践中改革、发展和完善入境维修再制造旧机电监管工作。根据每个时期不同的监管特点,可将入境维修再制造旧机电监管分为三个主要阶段:
第一个阶段是旧机电检验阶段(2008年之前)。该阶段没有针对入境维修再制造旧机电的特别监管要求,全部适用进口旧机电产品的监管体系。国家质检总局自2002年起,对国家允许进口的旧机电产品逐步调整,建立了以“备案许可、装运前检验、到货检验、后续监管”四个环节为基础的进口旧机电产品检验监管体系,有效保证了进口旧机电产品在安全、卫生、环保等方面符合我国法规要求。The first phase is the old electromechanical test phase (before 2008). There was no special regulatory requirement for the remanufacturing of used electromechanical products for entry maintenance at this stage. All the regulatory systems for the import of used mechanical and electrical products were applicable. Since 2002, AQSIQ has gradually adjusted the old electromechanical products allowed by the state and established the inspection and supervision system for imported electromechanical products based on the four links of "filing license, pre-shipment inspection, arrival inspection and follow-up supervision" System to effectively ensure the import of used mechanical and electrical products in line with the requirements of our country in terms of safety, hygiene and environmental protection.
第二个阶段是针对性探索阶段(2008年至2012年)。质检总局开始对入境维修/再制造旧机电针对性监管工作的探索。2008年质检总局印发了《关于规范入境再制造用途旧机电产品检验监管工作的通知》各直属检验检疫局选择了部分行业中高技术含量、高附加值的项目开展维修/再制造用途入境试点业务。特别是在自贸区设立以来,针对入境维修再制造旧机电的监管形成了一些优秀的经验,创新监管模式,不仅能够有效防止国外垃圾进入我国,而且促进了入境维修再制造业的发展。The second phase is a targeted exploration phase (2008-2012). General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine started to explore the issue of maintenance / remanufacturing of the old electromechanical targeted supervision. In 2008, AQSIQ issued the Notice on Regulating the Inspection and Supervision of Old Mechanical and Electrical Products Used for Remaining Immigration Applications. The inspection and quarantine institutions directly under the Central Government selected some high-tech and high value-added projects in some industries to carry out in-service pilots for maintenance and remanufacturing purposes . Especially since the establishment of the FTZ, some excellent experiences have been formed in the regulation of entry-level repairs and remanufacturing of used electromechanical products. The innovative regulatory model not only effectively prevents the foreign rubbish from entering our country, but also promotes the development of the inland maintenance and remanufacturing industry.
第三个阶段是制度完善推广阶段(2013年至今)。2013年质检总局印发了《关于推进维修再制造用途入境旧机电产品检验监管工作若干要求的通知》,建立起了企业能力评估、备案、风险分析和到货检验的全过程监管模式。2015年质检总局印发《质检总局关于推进维修/再制造用途入境机电料件质量安全管理的指导意见》,构建“地方政fu支持、企业负主体责任、检验检疫部门监管、相关部门齐抓”的安全管理机制,以口岸查验、监督管理、产成品质量验证三个环节为基础,结合维修/再制造能力评估、境外装运前检验作为管理手段。AQSIQ issued the Circular on Several Requirements for Inspection and Supervision of Old Mechanical and Electronic Products Used for Maintenance and Remanufacturing purposes, establishing a whole-process supervision model of enterprise capability assessment, filing, risk analysis and arrival inspection. In 2015, AQSIQ issued the Guiding Opinions of AQSIQ on Quality and Safety Management of Materials for Maintenance, Remanufacturing and Importation of Electromechanical Materials for Entry and Descendants, establishing a system of "local government fu support, enterprises' main responsibility, inspection and quarantine department supervision, and relevant departments "Safety management mechanism to port inspection, supervision and management, finished product quality verification based on three links, with the maintenance / remanufacturing capability assessment, pre-shipment inspection as a management tool.
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