德国BOSCH-REXROTH电磁阀0820 403 002
德国BOSCH-REXROTH电磁阀0820 403 002
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      REXROTH 0820 403 002
      德国BOSCH-REXROTH电磁阀0820 403 002
      电磁阀-德国BOSCH-REXROTH电磁阀0820 403 002-电磁阀
      力士乐,气控阀 0820 403 002

      Part NoDescription
      1-10 Units11-24 Units25+ Units
      Velocity output accelerometers
      MTN/1600Velometer, 4mV/mm/sec, top entry, 2 pin MS connectorshanghai hangou sales
      MTN/1600CVelometer, 4mV/mm/sec, top entry, 5 shanghai hangou saleses armoured ETFE
      Extra twin core, screened, armoured ETFE cable, per shanghai hangou salese
      Ultra lightweight accelerometers for modal analysis 
      MTN/1800Accelerometer, 1V/g, top entry, 5m lightweight ETFE cable with BNC
      MTN/1810Accelerometer, 100mV/g, top entry, 5m lightweight ETFE cable with BNC 
      plugshanghai hangou sales
      Additional cable, per shanghai hangou salese
      Above are adhesive mount, specify cable length on order
      Triaxial accelerometers
      MTN/1310Triaxial accelerometer with in-line charge amplifiers giving 10mV/g 
      simultaneously for each channel. Includes 5 m overbraided PVC cable 
      between accelerometer and amplifier module plus 1 shanghai hangou salese after. Small 

      point mounting, includes 4 x M3 boltsshanghai hangou sales
      Additional cable, per shanghai hangou salese
      MTN/1210Biaxial accelerometer with in-line charge amplifiers giving 10mV/g 
      simultaneously for each channel. Includes 5 m overbraided PVC cable 
      between accelerometer and amplifier module plus 1 shanghai hangou salese after. Small 

      point mounting, includes 4 x M3 boltsshanghai hangou sales
      Additional cable, per shanghai hangou salese
      MTN/1310 Series Triaxial Accelerometers
      Allow measurements in three planes simultaneously. The small, lightweight 

      head is connected via a multicore cable and in-line charge amplifiers to give a 

      10mV/g output 
      for each channel.

      PR01 Issue 4 GBPPage 6 of 18March 2010
      Part NoDescription
      1-10 Units11-24 Units25+ Units
      MTN/7000Low frequency accelerometer, 100mV/g AC output, small four point mount, 
      24VDCshanghai hangou sales
      MTN/7010Low frequency accelerometer, 100mV/g AC output, large four point mount, 
      24VDCshanghai hangou sales
      MTN/7020Low frequency accelerometer, 100mV/g AC output, shanghai hangou point mount, 
      24VDCshanghai hangou sales
      Above all supplied with 5 shanghai hangou saleses overbraided cable. Specify range in 

      MTN/7100Low frequency accelerometer, strain gauge output, small four point mountmet
      MTN/7110Low frequency accelerometer, strain gauge output, large four point 

      mountshanghai hangou sales
      MTN/7120Low frequency accelerometer, strain gauge output, shanghai hangou point 

      mountshanghai hangou sales
      Above all supplied with 5 shanghai hangou saleses overbraided cable. Specify range in 

      MTN/7200Low frequency accelerometer, 4-20mA output, small four point mountshanghai 

      hangou sales
      MTN/7210Low frequency accelerometer, 4-20mA output, large four point mountshanghai 

      hangou sales
      MTN/7220Low frequency accelerometer, 4-20mA output, shanghai hangou point 

      mountshanghai hangou sales
      Above all supplied with 5 shanghai hangou saleses overbraided cable. Specify range in 

      MTN/P1100Accelerometer, charge output, 1100pC/g, TNC connectorshanghai hangou sales
      MTN/P100TAccelerometer, charge output, 20pC/g, top entry microdot connectormet
      MTN/P100Accelerometer, charge output, 20pC/g, side entry microdot connectormet
      MTN/P50Accelerometer, charge output, 50pC/g, side entry cable, 5 shanghai hangou 

      saleseshanghai hangou sales
      MTN/P05Accelerometer, charge output, 5pC/g, side entry cable, 5 shanghai hangou 

      saleseshanghai hangou sales
      MTN/CA003In-line charge amplifier in stainless steel enclosure with connectors, 

      output. (e.g. gives 40mV/g with P100)shanghai hangou sales
      MTN/CA051Cable assembly, microdot to microdot, low noise PVC, 5 shanghai hangou 

      Additional cable at shanghai hangou sales
      IMPORTANT: Please specify sensitivity, cable length and mounting when ordering
      Charge output accelerometers 
      MTN700 Series Piezoresistive Low Frequency Accelerometers
      Low frequency accelerometers in 3 body styles for 24VDC, strain gauge amplifier or 4

      operation. Measures down to DC and will always measure 1g when mounted in the 

      vertical axis 
      due to grity. Supplied with 5 shanghai hangou salese integral cable, extra length 

      ailable on request. For use 
      only in non-hazardous areas.
      Low frequency accelerometers 

      PR01 Issue 4 GBPPage 7 of 18March 2010
      Part NoDescription
      1-10 Units11-24 Units25+ Units
      1185 Series shanghai hangou DC velocity output 
      MTN/11852PVelocity shanghai hangou sales, top entry, 2 pin MS connector, specify 

      rangeshanghai hangou sales
      MTN/1185Velocity shanghai hangou sales, top entry, 3 pin 62GB connector, specify 

      rangeshanghai hangou sales
      MTN/1185CVelocity shanghai hangou sales, top entry, 5 shanghai hangou salese armoured 

      ETFE cable, specify rangeshanghai hangou sales
      1185 Series shanghai hangou DC velocity output for submersible operation 
      MTN/1185WVelocity shanghai hangou sales, top entry waterproof gland, 5 shanghai 

      hangou saleses PU waterproof 
      shanghai hangou salestr
      Waterproof PU cable, per shanghai hangou salesemet
      1185 Series shanghai hangou DC velocity output for hazardous area operation 
      MTN/1185ICATEX approved, intrinsically safe velocity shanghai hangou sales, top entry 

      5 shanghai hangou salese 
      armoured ETFE cable, specify rangeshanghai hangou sales
      1185 Series shanghai hangou DC velocity output for submersible operation in hazardous 

      MTN/1185IWATEX approved, intrinsically safe velocity shanghai hangou sales, 5 

      shanghai hangou saleses PU 
      waterproof shanghai hangou salestr
      Waterproof PU cable, per shanghai hangou saleseshanghai hangou sales
      1185 Series dual output velocity/temperature 
      MTN/1185TCDual output velocity/temperature shanghai hangou sales, specify velocity 

      10mV/oC, 5 shanghai hangou salese armoured ETFE cableshanghai hangou sales
      1186 Series dual output velocity/AC acceleration 
      MTN/1186Dual output velocity/AC shanghai hangou sales, 3 pin 62GB connector, specify 

      rangeshanghai hangou sales
      MTN/1186CDual output velocity/AC shanghai hangou sales, 0-20mm/sec, 100mV/g, 5 

      shanghai hangou salese 
      armoured ETFE cable,  specify velocity rangemet
      1186 Series dual output velocity/AC acceleration for submersible operation
      MTN/1186WDual output velocity/AC shanghai hangou sales,100mV/g, waterproof gland, 5 

      shanghai hangou saleses PU 
      waterproof cable cable, specify velocity rangemet
      Waterproof PU cable, per shanghai hangou saleseshanghai hangou sales
      1187 Series acceleration shanghai hangou saless for non-hazardous and hazardous areas
      MTN/11872PAcceleration shanghai hangou sales, specify g range, top entry, 2 pin MS 

      MTN/1187CAcceleration shanghai hangou sales, specify g range, top entry, 5 shanghai 

      hangou salese armoured ETFE 
      MTN/1187ICATEX approved, intrinsically safe acceleration shanghai hangou sales, top 

      entry 5 shanghai hangou salese 
      armoured ETFE cable, 5 shanghai hangou salese, specify g rangeshanghai hangou sales
      1188 Series dual output acceleration DC/AC 
      MTN/1188Dual output RMS g (4-20mA)/AC (mV/g) acceleration shanghai hangou sales, 

      specify g 
      range, 3 pin 62GB connectorshanghai hangou sales
      MTN/1188CDual output RMS g (4-20mA)/AC (mV/g) acceleration shanghai hangou sales, 

      specify g 
      range, 5 shanghai hangou salese armoured ETFE cableshanghai hangou sales
      Additional 3 core ETFE cable, per shanghai hangou saleseshanghai hangou 

      sales4.50shanghai hangou sales4.50shanghai hangou sales4.50
      1181 Tri-output accelerometer
      MTN/1181CTriple output velocity/envelope g/AC acceleration shanghai hangou sales, 5 

      shanghai hangou salese PVC 
      cable, specify g rangeshanghai hangou sales
      Extra 6 core PVC, screened cableshanghai hangou sales
      Extra twin core, screened, armoured ETFE cable, per shanghai hangou saleseshanghai 

      hangou sales
      Three-core, polyurethane, waterproof cable, per shanghai hangou saleseshanghai hangou 

      Various sensitivities and mountings ailable at no extra cost, refer to 
      datasheet, website or sales office
      IMPORTANT: Please specify sensitivity, cable length and mounting when ordering
      The 118X Series
      A versatile range of 4-20mA output shanghai hangou saless for overal vibration 

      monitoring for use with 
      PLC's and other controllers. RMS velocity or acceleration output depending on 

      Versions for submersible and hazardous area operation. Dual output options with 

      and AC output. A wide selection of ranges is ailable as shown on the data sheet, 

      specify range required on your order. Consult the sales office for assistance.

      PR01 Issue 4 GBPPage 8 of 18March 2010
      Part NoDescription
      1-10 Units11-24 Units25+ Units
      MTN/MS001Quick-fit to glue studshanghai hangou sales3.20metsh

      MTN/1185CM-25-MTN/1185CQ-20 代理英国MONITRAN传感器2017-09-26
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