描述: Mi-Waves’ 355 series rotary joints are available in standard circular waveguide sizes from 11.6 to 150 GHz. Each rotary joint consists of two circular waveguide sections mounted on ball bearings. Connections to the guides are made at standard male and female circular flanges. Precise alignment of the waveguide sections prevents spurious mode generation, and the very small gap between abutting surfaces contributes a negligible loss in the TE01 circular mode. In all models, amplitude variation with rotation is less than 0.2 dB and phase variation is less than 2 degrees.
Mi Waves\355 系列旋转接头,可在标准的圆波导尺寸从 11.6 到 150 g h z。每个旋转接头由安装在轴承上的两个圆波导部分组成。在公和母的标准圆形法兰盘处进行连接的指南 》。精确的波导截面对齐方式防止虚假模式生成和相邻表面间隙很小的贡献微不足道的损耗在 TE01 循环模式。在所有模型中,振幅随旋转的变化是小于 0.2 分贝和相位变化是小于 2 度。