Description :Nitrogen, Ammonia Reagent set, AmVer (Salicylate), HR
Footnote:?Dependent on the number of performed reagent blanks., *Generally, the DR 5000 performs the same methods as the DR/4000. The DR 2800 performs the same methods as the DR 2700, DR/2500, and DR/2400. Some exceptions do exist.
Method Name:Salicylate
Number of tests:25 - 50
Platform :Test 'N Tube?
Range:0.4 - 50.0 mg/L NH3-N
Special Remarks:Set contains: Cuvette test tubes, AmVer Diluent reagent (2607000), Ammoniasalicylate Powder Pillows (2395266), Ammoniacyanurate Powder Pillows (2395466)
Storage Conditions:10 °C to 25 °C