  • 规格:AECG100
  • 发货地:上海
  • 品牌:
  • 最小起订量:1台
  • 免费会员










      AECG100 ECG,PPG及PWTT多功能生理讯号测试仪

      同步输出 ECG 心电及 PPG 光学心率模拟讯号,ECG 及 PPG 讯号间的 PWTT 脉搏波传导时间可调整,符合国际最新医疗标准:IEC 60601-2-47, China YY-0782,适用于研发、法规符合性及产线测试



      同步输出 ECG 心电及 PPG 光学心率模拟讯号,ECG 及 PPG 讯号间的 PWTT 脉搏波传导时间可调整,符合国际新医疗标准:IEC 60601-2-47, China YY-0782,适用于研发、法规符合性及产线测试


      • 多功能综合性能测试仪,兼容于使用 ECG 心电及 PPG 光学心率技术穿戴式装置

      • AECG100 ECG 模块依据移动式心电图机标准测试线路之要求设计,输出讯号完全符合医疗标准,可选择搭配单信道或双信道光学 PPG 模块

      • AECG100 单信道光学模块可提供 PPG 心率模拟讯号,双信道光学模块提供 SpO2 血氧饱和度仿真讯号

      • PWTT 脉搏波传导时间参数可调整,有效提升血压测量算法准确

      • 不同测试项目的测试参数可储存及读取,可排序做整合测试,有效降低人为错误,节省人力支出

      • 可拨放原始资料 Raw Data 波形,重现临床验证收集的资料

      • AECG 标准辅助软件简化测试步骤,点击鼠标即可完成医疗标准所需测试

      • SDK 软件开发工具包提供用户编写自动化测试软件的弹性


      ECG Mode Parameter Specification

      Main Output Voltage Resolution

      2.5μV (DAC resolution)

      Main Output Voltage Accuracy

      ±1% for amplitudes of 0.5mVpp or higher
      Frequency/Pulse Repetition Rate Accuracy ±1%
      Pacing Pulse Amplitude Range ±1mV ~ ±1000mV
      Pacing Pulse Amplitude Accurcy ±2mV pulse: ±1%
      >2mV pulse,<-2mV: ±10%
      Pacing Pulse Width Range 0.1ms~2ms
      Pacing Pulse Width Resolution 0.1ms
      Pacing Pulse Width Accuracy ±5μs
      Pacing Pulse Rise/Fall Time 5μs
      Pacing Pulse Overshoot <1%
      Pacing Pulse Setting Time <1%
      Sample Rate 1K (Normal mode);10K (Raw data mode)
      Sample Rate Accuracy Depend on system clock accuracy
      DC Offset Range 
      (fixed, noise free, sourced from internal super capacitor)
      -300mV, +300mV
      DC Offset Accuracy
      (fixed, noise free, sourced from internal super capacitor)
      DC Offset Range 
      (variable, may include up to 50μVpp noise)
      DC Offset Accuracy 
      (variable, may include up to 50μVpp noise)
      RCA Output Amplitude Range ECG electrode output x1000, max 10V
      RCA Output Amplitude Accuracy ±1% for amplitudes of 0.5Vpp or higher


      PPG Mode Parameter Specification
      BPM Range  30~300BPM 
      BPM Resolution  1 BPM
      BPM Accuracy  ±1 BPM 
      LED AC Level Reference Output Range (RCA) 0~3 V(Full range)
      LED AC Level Reference Output Resolution (1/3000) Full Range
      LED AC Level Reference Output Accuracy ±6%
      Lumen Range

      50 ~ 925 Lux (full range) (5mm from diffusion film)

      Lumen Resolution (1/3000) Full Range
      Lumen Accuracy ±6%
      Light Wavelength Range 525nm
      Light Wavelength Resolution ±10nm
      S/N Ratio >51dB (with USB isolator)
      PD Response Time (Rising) 1μs Typical (Varies from DUT LED intensity)
      PD Response Time (Falling) 1μs Typical (Varies from DUT LED intensity)


      PWTT Mode Parameter Specification

      Time Difference (PTTp, PTTf) Range

      0~1999ms (decrease with increased BPM)
      Time Difference (PTTp, PTTf) Resolution 1ms
      Time Difference (PTTp, PTTf) Accuracy ±1ms


      SpO2 Parameter Specification
      BPM Range  30~300 BPM 
      BPM Resolution 1 BPM
      BPM Accuracy  ±1 BPM
      LED AC Level Reference Output Range  (RCA)  0~3V(Full range)
      LED AC Level Reference Output Resolution (RCA)  (1/3000 )full range
      LED AC Level Reference Output Accuracy (RCA)  ±6%
      PI (AC level/DC level) Range

      0.025% ~ 30%

      (AC/DC, varies with AC or DC level )
      Light Wavelength Range Red: 660nm; Infrared: 940nm or 880nm
      Light Wavelength Accuracy Red:±10nm; Infrared: ±10nm
      S/N Ratio >51DB (with USB isolator)
      PD Rising Response Time  1μs Typical (Varies from DUT LED intensity)
      PD Falling Response Time Rising 1μs Typical (Varies from DUT LED intensity)
      Spo2 (%) Range  30%~百分百
      Spo2 (%) Resolution 1%
      Spo2 (%) Accuracy Use first degree of polynomial to set R-curve, ±1~±3(%)@70~100(%)+specified accuracy of the DUT.Use second degree of polynomial to set R-curve,±1~±2(%)@70~100(%)+specified accuracy of the DUT
  • 0571-87774297